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Reverse proxy heroku app to wordpress blog

I've managed to setup a reverse proxy of my heroku app with the following in config.ru

require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment',  __FILE__)
use Rack::ReverseProxy do  
   reverse_proxy /^\/blog(.*)$/, 'http://blog.domain.com$1', opts={:preserve_host => true}
run Appname::Application

This allows my heroku app to run at domain.com and have domain.com/blog appear as the URL while the wordpress site is being served blog.domain.com. Great so far.

The wordpress site gets served properly when going to domain.com/blog, however when I go to any deeper page like an individual post wordpress throws an error. I was using permalinks with the date and title in the URL of the form: domian.com/blog/2012/07/a-great-blog-post - Worpress now seems to not like this. When I switched the links back to the form domain.com/blog/?p=4 the page gets served successfully.

It seems like it doesn't handle and sort of trailing slashes after the inial domain.com/blog properly. What I find strange is domain.com/blog/wp-admin (and the entire WP admin app) works without any hiccups.

Can anyone see any glaring issues why the pages/post with multiple slashes '/' might be causing problems?

Thanks in advance!

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cmetcalfe Avatar asked Jul 06 '12 07:07


1 Answers

Well I found a solution, for whatever reason in the WP settings for the permalink, it didn't like any of the default options except for the form where it can retrieve the post by id. (http://www.domain.com/blog/?p=123)

For SEO purposes I wanted the title of the post to be in the URL. So I entered in the custom structure field: /index.php/%postname%/

It seems like it was requiring index.php for wordpress to handle the routing properly.

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cmetcalfe Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11
