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Reverse a Python string without omitting start and end slice


How do you reverse a Python string without omitting the start and end slice arguments?

word = "hello"
reversed_word = word[::-1]

I understand that this works, but how would I get the result by specifying the start and end indexes?

word = "hello"
reversed_word = word[?:?:-1]

It's hard to explain to students why word[::-1] reverses a string. It's better if I can give them logical reasoning rather than "it's the pythonic way".

The way I explain word[::1] is as follows: "You have not specified the start so it just starts from the start. You have not specified the end so it just goes until the end. Now the step is 1 so it just goes from the start to the end 1 character by 1." Now when my students see word[::-1] they are going to think "We have not specified the start or the end so it will go through the string -1 characters at a time?"

like image 407
Ogen Avatar asked Mar 28 '15 00:03


People also ask

How do you reverse a string without changing the position in Python?

Just create a new empty str variable and concatenate it. str5 = 'peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. ' b = str5. split() rev_str5 = "" for i in b: rev_str5 = rev_str5 + ' ' + i[::-1] print(rev_str5.

How do you reverse a string with slicing in Python?

Strings can be reversed using slicing. To reverse a string, we simply create a slice that starts with the length of the string, and ends at index 0. The slice statement means start at string length, end at position 0, move with the step -1 (or one step backward).

How do you reverse a string with a negative index in Python?

To reverse a string using slicing, omit the start and stop arguments and use a negative step increment of -1 . The negative step increment of -1 means that the slicing starts at the last element and ends at the first element, resulting in a reversed string.

1 Answers

Some other ways to reverse a string:

word = "hello"
reversed_word1 = word[-1: :-1] 
reversed_word2 = word[len(word)-1: :-1]   
reversed_word3 = word[:-len(word)-1 :-1]    

One thing you should note about the slicing notation a[i:j:k] is that omitting i and j doesn't always mean that i will become 0 and j will become len(s). It depends upon the sign of k. By default k is +1.

  • If k is +ve then the default value of i is 0 (start from the beginning). If it is -ve then the default value of i is -1 (start from the end).
  • If k is +ve then the default value of j is len(s) (stop at the end). If it is -ve then the default value of j is -(len(s)+1) (stop at the beginning).

Now you can explain your students how Hello[::-1] prints olleH.

like image 128
haccks Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09
