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Reusing django templates?

I find django's template language very limiting. Following along with django's DRY principle, I have a template that I'd like to use in many other templates. For example a patient list:

    {% for physician in physicians.all %}
        {% if physician.service_patients.count %}
            <div id="tabs-{{ forloop.counter }}">
                {% include "hospitalists/patient_list.html" %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

The problem is that the patient_list template is expecting a list of patients named patients. How can I rename physician.service_patients to patients before including the template?

Thanks, Pete

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slypete Avatar asked Aug 12 '09 19:08


People also ask

Where are Django templates stored?

Generally, the templates folder is created and kept in the sample directory where manage.py lives. This templates folder contains all the templates you will create in different Django Apps. Alternatively, you can maintain a template folder for each app separately.

What does {% %} mean in Django?

{% extends variable %} uses the value of variable . If the variable evaluates to a string, Django will use that string as the name of the parent template. If the variable evaluates to a Template object, Django will use that object as the parent template.

Why template does not exist Django?

Django TemplateDoesNotExist error means simply that the framework can't find the template file. To use the template-loading API, you'll need to tell the framework where you store your templates. The place to do this is in your settings file ( settings.py ) by TEMPLATE_DIRS setting.

Why are templates used in Django?

Being a web framework, Django needs a convenient way to generate HTML dynamically. The most common approach relies on templates. A template contains the static parts of the desired HTML output as well as some special syntax describing how dynamic content will be inserted.

2 Answers

Use the with tag:

{% for physician in physicians.all %}
   {% if physician.service_patients.count %}
      {% with physician.service_patients as patients %}                   
         <div id="tabs-{{ forloop.counter }}">
            {% include "hospitalists/patient_list.html" %}
      {% endwith %}
   {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

You might also upgrade to creating a custom tag:

{% for physician in physicians.all %}
   {% if physician.service_patients.count %}
      {% patient-list physician.service_patients %}
   {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Although custom tags involve writing Python code, there are shortcuts that make it easy to use an existing template file as a tag: Django Inclusion Tags

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Ned Batchelder Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 19:09

Ned Batchelder

When you have "functionality" (specifically an if-condition) inside a loop, you have an opportunity to move this into the view function.


This construct

{% for physician in physicians.all %}
    {% if physician.service_patients.count %}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Is so common that you have several ways to avoid it.

  1. Change your model. Add a patients" method and use it instead of the default query set that you get with a on-to-many relationship. This method of your model has theif service_patients.count` test, removing it from your template.

    This eliminates the {% if %} from your template, reducing it to {% for %} and the actual HTML, which cannot easily the eliminated.

  2. Change your view function. Write a few lines of code to create a list of physicians with service_patients instead of a simplistic collection of physicians. This code in your view function has the if service_patients.count test, removing it from your template.

    This eliminates the {% if %} from your template, reducing it to a {% for %} and the actual HTML, which cannot easily be eliminated.

The point is to get rid of the {% if %} so that you're simply cutting and pasting the {% for %} and the actual HTML. By keeping your template to just the HTML (which cannot be eliminated), the only overhead is the {% for %}


It appears that you want to reuse an {% include %} construct in slightly different contexts.

It's not at all clear what the problem with this {% include %} file is. It is "expecting a list of patients named patients" seems superficially silly. Fix it, so it expects physician.patients.

Perhaps you want to use this same list twice. Once with a list called 'patients' and once with a list called 'physician.patients'. In this case, consider (a) simplifying or (b) writing a template tag.

It appears that you have a patient list that is sometimes a stand-alone page, and other times is repeated many times on a much more complex page. Repeating a list of details embedded in some longer list is not really the best page design. Django doesn't help you with this because -- frankly -- it's not easy for people to use. Hence option (a) -- consider redesigning this "patient list within a physician" list as too complex.

However, you can always write a template tags to create really complex pages.


There's a really good reason why the Django template language has limited functionality. All of your functionality should be either an essential feature of your model, or a feature of the current application that uses the model.

Presentation is simply the translation of objects (and querysets) into HTML. Nothing more

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S.Lott Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09
