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Reuse elements of HTML

I'm writing a static web site that uses JQuery to make some AJAX calls to a RESTful API and populate the page with data.

The site functions correctly (and quickly), everything is good.

As I extend the site and add additional pages, I'm noticing that I'm duplicating certain regions on every page.

For instance, each page shares a common header element.

<header>...Some non-trivial content...</header>

Rather than repeat this definition on each page is there some mechanism, by which, I can define this section once and include it in each document.

Remember that the pages must be served statically but any standard complaint browser functionality can be utilised.

Is there a good way to do this, and what is it or, will I have to abandon DRY principles for this aspect of my client side code?

like image 918
Jodrell Avatar asked Aug 30 '13 13:08


People also ask

How do you reuse headers in HTML?

Use Lifecycle Callbacks to Add the Header to the Page connectedCallback runs each time your custom element is inserted into the DOM. You can read more about the other callbacks here. Now adding a header to the page is as easy as adding a <script> tag pointing to components/header.

What are the components of HTML?

An HTML element is defined by a start tag, some content, and an end tag.

1 Answers

There's definitely some ways to achieve this. You could either do it using some features of your server-side language that allows to include the content of a page in another page, or if you do not have any server-side technology, you could simply put that code in it's own html document and load it's content using AJAX.

In jQuery it could look like:


However, if the content isin't static for all pages, you could always define a JS module that would be responsible to render this header. You module could make use of a client-side templating engine, like Mustache, Handlebars, etc. However you do not have to use any of these.

Here's a simple example:


//in somefile.js, please note that you should namespace your modules
var Header = {
    //default config
    config: {
        el: '#header',
        title: 'Some title'

    init: function (config) {
        var cfg = this.config = $.extend({}, this.config, config);

        $(cfg.el).html('<h1>' + cfg.title + '</h1>');

$(function () {
        title: 'Some other title'

        el: '#header1',
        title: 'Yeah'
like image 105
plalx Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09
