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Reusable font properties in QML [duplicate]




In QML I want to be able to define a set of font properties for simple semantic re-use. For example, instead of:

Text {
  text: "This is a header"
  font { family:'Encode Sans'; weight:Font.Black; italic:false; pointSize:24 }

I want to be able to write:

Text {
  text: "This is a header"
  font: headerFont

How can I make a single font value that I can assign like this?

I know that I make a component, like:

# Header.qml
Text {
  font { family:'Encode Sans'; weight:Font.Black; italic:false; pointSize:24 }

# main.qml
Header { text:"This is a header" }

However, this does not work for when I want to use the same font settings for a Label or other place where a font is needed.

I also know that I can use the answers to this question to, for example:

// style.js    
.pragma library
var header = {
  family: 'Encode Sans',
  weight: Font.Black, // is this legal?
  italic: false,
  size:   24
// main.qml
import "style.js" as Style

Text {
  text: "This is a header"
  font {
    family: Style.header.family
    weight: Style.header.weight
    italic: Style.header.italic
    pointSize: Style.header.size

While this does single-source the values, it is, as shown, painfully verbose.

I tried this...

Font {
  id: header
  family: 'Encode Sans'
  weight: Font.Black
  italic: false
  pointSize: 24

Text {
  text: "This is a header"
  font: header

...but it errors "Element is not creatable" on the Font { line.

like image 699
Phrogz Avatar asked May 27 '16 15:05


1 Answers

This answer covers exactly what I needed. I can use Qt.font() method to create a font value with the properties I need. Wrapped in a QtObject with a global ID, I can then:

### main.qml
QtObject {
    id: theme
    property font headerFont: Qt.font({
        family: 'Encode Sans',
        weight: Font.Black,
        italic: false,
        pointSize: 24

### AnyOther.qml
Text {
    text: "This is a header"
    font: theme.headerFont
like image 200
Phrogz Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 08:10
