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Returning top n values for group/multiindex in Pandas

I have a df that contains daily product and volume data:

date        product     volume
20160101    A           10
20160101    B           5
20160102    A           20
20160328    B           20
20160328    C           100
20160330    D           20

I've grouped it up by month via

df['yearmonth'] = df.date.astype(str).str[:6]
grouped = df.groupby(['yearmonth','product'])['Volume'].sum()

which gives me a Series of the form:

yearmonth   product 
201601      A       100
            B       90
            C       90
            D       85
            E       180
            F       50
201602      A       200
            C       120
            F       220
            G       40
            I       50
201603      B       120
            C       110
            D       110

I want to return the top n volume values per product per month. For example the top 3 values would return:

201601  A  100
        B   90
        C   90
        E   180
201602  A   200
        C   120
        F   220
201603  B   120
        C   110
        D   110

I can find some answers using pd.IndexSlice and select but they seem to act on the index alone. I can't figure out how to sort the individual group's values

  • Pandas report top-n in group and pivot (which is Wes's example in "Python for Data Analysis" too)
  • pandas multi index sort specific fields
  • pandas: slice a MultiIndex by range of secondary index
like image 502
comedyDave Avatar asked Jan 18 '17 15:01


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1 Answers

You can use SeriesGroupBy.nlargest:

print (grouped.groupby(level='yearmonth').nlargest(3).reset_index(level=0, drop=True))
yearmonth  product
201601     E          180
           A          100
           B           90
201602     F          220
           A          200
           C          120
201603     B          120
           C          110
           D          110
Name: val, dtype: int64

Also you can use to_datetime with to_period for convert to year-month period:

print (df)
        date product  Volume
0   20160101       A      10
1   20160101       B       5
2   20160101       C      10
3   20160101       D       5
4   20160102       A      20
5   20160102       A      10
6   20160102       B       5
7   20160102       C      10
8   20160102       D       5
9   20160328       A      20
10  20160328       C     100
11  20160328       B      20
12  20160328       D      20
13  20160330       D      20

grouped = df.groupby([pd.to_datetime(df.date, format='%Y%m%d').dt.to_period('M'),
print (grouped)
date     product
2016-01  A           40
         B           10
         C           20
         D           10
2016-03  A           20
         B           20
         C          100
         D           40
Name: Volume, dtype: int64

print (grouped.groupby(level='date').nlargest(3).reset_index(level=0, drop=True))
date     product
2016-01  A           40
         C           20
         B           10
2016-03  C          100
         D           40
         A           20
Name: Volume, dtype: int64
like image 197
jezrael Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 14:10
