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Returning from a function while inside one or more nested loops?



Is there a way to immediately return from a function when in one or more nested loops?

Here's some sample code illustrating the problem:

; Grid data structure
; -------------------
(defstruct grid :width :height)

(defn create-grid [w h initial-value]
  (struct-map grid
    :width  w
    :height h
    :data   (ref (vec (repeat (* w h) initial-value)))))

(defn create-grid-with-data [w h gdata]
  (struct-map grid
    :width w
    :height h
    :data (ref gdata)))

(defn get-grid [g x y]
  (let [gdata (g :data)
        idx   (+ x (* (g :width) y)) ]
    (gdata idx)))

(defn set-grid [g x y value]
  (let [data  (deref (g :data))
        idx   (+ x (* (g :width) y)) ]
    (dosync (alter (g :data) (fn [_] (assoc data idx value))))))

(defn get-grid-rows [g]
  (partition (g :width) (deref (g :data))))

; Beginning of test app
; ---------------------

; The Tetris playing field  
(def current-field (create-grid 20 10 0))

; A tetris block (the L-Shape)
(def current-block {
  :grid (struct-map grid :width 3 :height 3 :data [ 0 1 0
                                                    0 1 0
                                                    0 1 1 ])

  ; upper-left corner of the block position in the playing field
  :x (ref 0) 
  :y (ref 0)
} )

; check-position-valid checks if the current position
; of a block is a valid position in a playing field
(defn check-position-valid [field block]
  (dotimes [ x ((block :grid) :width) ]
    (dotimes [ y ((block :grid) :height) ]
        (let [ g           (block :grid)
               block-value (get-grid g x y)
               field-x     (+ x (deref (block :x)))
               field-y     (+ y (deref (block :y))) ]
          (if (not (zero? block-value))
              (and (>= field-x 0)
                   (< field-x (field :width))
                   (< field-y (field :height))
                   (zero? (get-grid field field-x field-y)))
              false ; invalid position, function should now return false
              true ; ok, continue loop

(println (check-position-valid current-field current-block))

Perhaps I'm approaching the problem too much in an imperative way.

Ok, I found a solution:

; check-position-valid checks if the current position
; of a block is a valid position in a playing field
(defn check-position-valid [field block]
  (let [stop-condition (ref false)]
    (loop [ x 0 ]
      (when (and (not (deref stop-condition))
                 (< x ((block :grid) :width)))
        (println "x" x)
        (loop [ y 0 ]
          (when (and (not (deref stop-condition))
                     (< y ((block :grid) :height)))
            (println "y" y)
            (let [ g           (block :grid)
                   block-value (get-grid g x y)
                   field-x     (+ x (deref (block :x)))
                   field-y     (+ y (deref (block :y))) ]
              (if (not (zero? block-value))
                  (and (>= field-x 0)
                       (< field-x (field :width))
                       (< field-y (field :height))
                       (zero? (get-grid field field-x field-y)))
                    (println "stop is true")
                    (dosync (alter stop-condition (fn [_] true)))))))
            (recur (inc y))))
        (recur (inc x))))
    (not (deref stop-condition))))

(println (check-position-valid current-field current-block))

It uses a mutable reference as a stop flag, breaking the functional style of programming. But I'm happy to have a solution. Feel free to share a better way.

For those interested, I've finished a first version version of my Clojure Tetris game. Feel free to give it a try :)

like image 240
StackedCrooked Avatar asked May 14 '10 02:05


People also ask

Does return break from nested loops?

And return can stop nested loops no matter how deeply nested they are. To exit a nested loop with return we do: Inside the loop, evaluate the exit condition with an if statement. When true , execute the return statement to end the entire nested loop early.

How do you break out of a nested while loop?

Using break in a nested loop In a nested loop, a break statement only stops the loop it is placed in. Therefore, if a break is placed in the inner loop, the outer loop still continues. However, if the break is placed in the outer loop, all of the looping stops.

Can you have 3 nested loops?

There is no limitation on the chaining of loops. In the nested loop, the number of iterations will be equal to the number of iterations in the outer loop multiplied by the iterations in the inner loop. In each iteration of the outer loop inner loop execute all its iteration.

How do I break out of nested loops in Javascript?

The break statement, which is used to exit a loop early. A label can be used with a break to control the flow more precisely. A label is simply an identifier followed by a colon(:) that is applied to a statement or a block of code.

4 Answers


(defn position-valid? [field block]
  (let [g (block :grid)]
    (every? true? (for [x (range 0 (inc (g :width)))
                        y (range 0 (inc (g :height)))
                        :let [block-value (get-grid g x y)
                              field-x     (+ x @(block :x))
                              field-y     (+ y @(block :y))]]
                    (and (not (zero? block-value))
                         (>= field-x 0)
                         (< field-x (field :width))
                         (< field-y (field :height))
                         (zero? (get-grid field field-x field-y)))))))

for is lazy, so every? will only go until it reaches the first non-true value.

like image 73
Brian Carper Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10

Brian Carper

In a loop-recur structure, you do some sort of check to see if you need to keep looping, and recur if you do, or return a value if you don't. In a while loop, you'd just make the predicate equal false. There is no break and continue in Clojure, because it doesn't make sense in Clojure.

I think you're looking for loop, and not dotimes.

like image 34
Rayne Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 12:10


Since in another question by the OP I proposed a different data structure for the playing grid -- namely a vector of vectors -- I'm tempted to show how I'd go about solving this problem with that representation. For the purposes of this problem, it seems easiest to me to use 0 and 1 to represent grid cell states. Adapting the code for the case of a more complex grid cell structure (possibly a map holding the number or a Boolean somewhere inside) would present no problem.

This is the function being discussed:

(defn check-position-valid [field-grid block]
  (let [grid-rect (subgrid field-grid
                           @(block :x)
                           (-> block :grid :width)
                           @(block :y)
                           (-> block :grid :height))
        block-rect (-> block :grid :data)]
    (and grid-rect
         (not-any? pos?
                   (mapcat #(map (comp dec +) %1 %2)

I removed the grid struct map; instead, all grids are simple vectors of vectors. Note that holding explicit :width and :height keys may not necessarily be much help performance-wise, as Clojure vectors keep a count of their members (as do many other Clojure collections). There's no particular reason not to have them, though, I just found it simpler to do without. This affects my terminology below: the word 'grid' always refers to a vector of vectors.

The following creates the grid on which the other functions operate; also enjoy the bonus printout function:

(defn create-grid
  ([w h] (create-grid w h 0))
  ([w h initial-value]
     (let [data (vec (map vec (repeat h (repeat w initial-value))))]

(defn print-grid [g]
  (doseq [row g]
    (apply println row)))

The key to the above version of check-position-valid is this function, which gives as a subgrid of the given grid:

(defn subgrid
  "x & y are top left coords, x+ & y+ are spans"
  [g x x+ y y+]
  (if (and (<= (+ x x+) (count g))
           (<= (+ y y+) (count (first g))))
     (map #(subvec % x (+ x x+))
          (subvec g y (+ y y+))))))

subvec is advertised by its docstring as an O(1) (constant time) operation which is very fast, so this should be pretty fast too. In the above, it's used to extract a window into the given grid, which is itself a grid (and can be printed with print-grid). check-position-valid takes such a window into the grid and examines it side-by-side with the block's grid to determine whether the block is in a valid position.

It is assumed that completely nonsensical argument values (negative x, x+, y, y+) will not occur, however in case the window would "stick out" of the grid on the right or at the bottom, nil is returned instead of subvec's index out of bounds exception.

Finally, a definition of current-block usable with the above:

(def current-block
     {:grid [[0 1 0]
             [0 1 0]
             [0 1 1]])
      :x (ref 0) 
      :y (ref 0)})

And some utility functions (which all return grids):

(defn get-grid [g x y]
  (get-in g [y x]))

(defn set-grid [g x y v]
  (assoc-in g [y x] v))

(defn swap-grid [g x y f & args]
  (apply update-in g [y x] f args))

(defn get-grid-row [g y]
  (get g y))

(defn set-grid-row [g y v]
  (assoc g y (vec (repeat (count (g 0)) v))))

(defn get-grid-col [g x]
  (vec (map #(% x) g)))

(defn set-grid-col [g x v]
  (vec (map #(assoc-in % [x] v) g)))

The latter four can be used to build up a test grid quickly like so (the 2s and 3s make no sense in connection with the code above as it is presently written, but they serve to illustrate what happens):

user> (print-grid (set-grid-row (set-grid-col (create-grid 6 10) 1 2) 0 3))
3 3 3 3 3 3
0 2 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0
like image 33
Michał Marczyk Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10

Michał Marczyk

You're on the right track by replacing the dotimes with loop/recur. Now, to get rid of that mutable stop flag:

  1. Add a second variable to represent the stop flag to your loops, like

    (loop [x 0 stop false] ...
  2. Do an if/then to see if the stop flag is true as the first operation within the loops.

    (if stop (println "I'm all done) (...
  3. Deep in your nested code where you have the if-not test, have both branches call recur with the appropriate value set for false. To paraphrase:

    (if (stop-condition-is-true) (recur y true) (recur (inc y) false))
like image 1
G__ Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 12:10
