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Return value of jquery UI dialog Box

You may find solution over this in many posts(Post 1 , Post2 ), but their solution not working for me.

Here is the normal jquery dialog box written by me.

                        return true;                                                                    
                        $(this).dialog("close");     return false;                  

I will open the dialogbox with code:

var returnVal=$("#dialog").dialog("open");

I need to return false,if user clicks 'cancel' and return true if user clicks 'ok'.

var returnVal=$("#dialog").dialog("open");

I NEED returnVal to return boolean value(true/false), but it returns javascript object.

like image 430
Umesh Patil Avatar asked Dec 12 '22 06:12

Umesh Patil

2 Answers

You cannot return something from the OK / cancel functions as they are essentially event handlers that are only processed upon the click of a button.

Use a separate function to process the result :

$mydialog = $("#dialog").dialog({
    autoOpen: false,
    buttons: {
        "ok": function() {
        "cancel": function() {


function processResult(result) {

Working example : http://jsfiddle.net/nz2dH/

like image 62
Manse Avatar answered Dec 24 '22 07:12


I have implement Yes/No confirmation dialog with custom message and callback function like this. This is useful, if you like to use the same dialog for various purposes.

<script type="text/javascript">
    // prepare dialog
    $(function () {
            autoOpen: false,
            modal: true,
            closeOnEscape: false,
            buttons: {
                Yes: function () {
                No: function () {

    // open dialog with message and callback function
    function confirmMessageDialog (message, callback) {
        $('#confirm-message-dialog').data("callback", callback).dialog("open");

<!-- The dialog content -->
<div id="confirm-message-dialog" title="Warning"> 
    <p id="confirm-message-dialog-message"></p>

Hope that this helps others as well :)

like image 29
Ilkka Avatar answered Dec 24 '22 07:12
