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Return only specific fields from projection array sub-document

I'm looking at MongoDB's documentation on the $ and $elemMatch projections. I'm trying to figure out how to return only a subset of a projection array's fields, but I cannot seem to figure it out.

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Say I have the following documents in the test collection:

    "_id": "A",
    "array": [
        {"key": 1, "name": "foo", "data": {}},
        {"key": 2, "name": "bar", "data": {}}
    "extra": {}
    "_id": "B",
    "array": [
        {"key": 3, "name": "spam", "data": {}},
        {"key": 4, "name": "eggs", "data": {}}
    "extra": {}

The query I effectively want to perform is:

db.test.findOne({"array.key": 1}, {"array.$.name": 1, "extra": 1})

Which I would expect it to only return name under the sub-document in the array where key was 1. E.g.,

    "_id": "A",
    "array": [
        {"name": "foo"}
    "extra": {}

But if I perform that query, I get this instead:

    "_id": "A",
    "array": [
        {"key": 1, "name": "foo", "data": {}}
    "extra": {}

Which is identical to doing the query:

db.test.findOne({"array.key": 1}, {"array.$": 1, "extra": 1})

I've also tried the following which results in the same:

db.test.findOne({"array.key": 1}, {"array.$": 1, "array.name": 1, "extra": 1})

Is there a way to only return a subset of the fields for array.$ instead of the whole sub-document?

like image 348
Uyghur Lives Matter Avatar asked Apr 23 '14 20:04

Uyghur Lives Matter

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You can select a single field in MongoDB using the following syntax: db. yourCollectionName. find({"yourFieldName":yourValue},{"yourSingleFieldName":1,_id:0});

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To search the array of object in MongoDB, you can use $elemMatch operator. This operator allows us to search for more than one component from an array object.

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When you use methods such as find() or findOne() in MongoDB, by default you get the whole document returned. And if you use projections, you can return specific key/value pairs. But what if you only want the value? You can extract the value of a field by appending that field's name to your query when using findOne() .

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To exclude the _id field from the output documents of the $project stage, specify the exclusion of the _id field by setting it to 0 in the projection document.

1 Answers

Are you specifically trying to do this without using aggregate?

                   {$project:{"array.name":1, extra:1}}])
like image 144
Ben Gamble Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Ben Gamble