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Return multiple values from a Java method: why no n-tuple objects?

Why isn't there a (standard, Java certified) solution, as part of the Java language itself, to return multiple values from a Java method, rather than developers having to use their own means, such as Maps, Lists, Pairs, etc.? Why does Java not support n-tuple objects?

Especially thinking for trivial private methods that may modify two objects together (in tandem), and in which case a typed-object as a return sounds overkill.

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Saket Avatar asked Sep 19 '11 12:09


People also ask

Why are there no tuples in Java?

Tuple in Java The functionality of a tuple can be implemented using the List and Array data structure but these data structures do not hold different types of data types by design. Hence, it is clear that heterogeneous tuple using a standard data structure (List/ Array) is not possible in Java.

Can tuple return multiple values?

In Python, you can return multiple values by simply return them separated by commas. In Python, comma-separated values are considered tuples without parentheses, except where required by syntax. For this reason, the function in the above example returns a tuple with each value as an element.

Can you return multiple values in Java method?

You can return only one value in Java. If needed you can return multiple values using array or an object.

How can I return multiple values from a method?

JavaScript doesn't support functions that return multiple values. However, you can wrap multiple values into an array or an object and return the array or the object. Use destructuring assignment syntax to unpack values from the array, or properties from objects.

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2 Answers

I assume the OP means "Why does Java not support n-tuple objects?". Python, Haskell, Lisp, ML etc have heterogeneous n-tuple capabilities. Also often times the ability to apparently return multiple objects in a language is syntactical sugar (ie in python return 'a','b').

The reason of course is language design and consistency. Java prefers being very explicit and does not like anonymous data structures (although I wish we had anonymous closures).

For example in Java there is no way to say I would like a callback that takes these type parameters and returns this. Some people feel this a huge weakness others like the consistency and explicitness.

IMHO although its annoying I frequently combat this issue by making static inline classes:

private static class Combo {    String name;    int weight; } 

Yes its tedious but then later on I often reuse and refactor those classes making them top level and adding behavior. Infact one of the advantages with going this route is that its much easier to add new fields where is the anonymous data structure (like in FP languages) it becomes much more difficult to add a field (you end up changing a ton of code).

I should note that for 2-tuples some people use (or abuse) java.util.Map.Entry as there is an java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry in Java 6. Also Some people now use Commons Lang3's Pair support (2-tuple).

Scala has n-tuple support by sort of cheating and having a whole bunch of 2-16 tuple interfaces that are standard in the language and are syntactically hidden from the programmer.

For purely educational reasons you may want to see how other languages accomplish this.

UPDATE: for Java 8

Java 8 will/maybe (so heres my number... call me maybe) support an interface called java.lang.BiValue with a concrete implementation that you can use called java.lang.BiVal . These classes are to help support the new lambda functionality. But notice this is only for 2-tuples.

UPDATE: for 2015

Java 8 did not gain support for tuples.

UPDATE: from author 2015

If you still would like tuple support there are three libraries that support tuples well:

  • javatuples - Supports JDK 5 and above. Up to 10-tuple.
  • JOOλ - From the author of jOOQ but requires JDK 8.
  • Commons Lang 3 - Now supports a Triple (3-tuple) and supports JDK 6 and above.
like image 187
Adam Gent Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 19:09

Adam Gent

Java methods return exactly zero or one value; that is the standard for java. If you need multiple values returned, create an object with the multiple values and return it.

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DwB Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09