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Return multiple values from a function in swift

People also ask

How do you use tuples in Swift?

Swift 4 also introduces Tuples type, which are used to group multiple values in a single compound Value. The values in a tuple can be of any type, and do not need to be of same type. For example, ("Tutorials Point", 123) is a tuple with two values, one of string Type, and other is integer type. It is a legal command.

How do I return a view in Swift?

on the -> View return type.

Return a tuple:

func getTime() -> (Int, Int, Int) {
    return ( hour, minute, second)

Then it's invoked as:

let (hour, minute, second) = getTime()


let time = getTime()
println("hour: \(time.0)")


func getTime() -> (hour: Int, minute: Int,second: Int) {
    let hour = 1
    let minute = 2
    let second = 3
    return ( hour, minute, second)

Then it's invoked as:

let time = getTime()
print("hour: \(time.hour), minute: \(time.minute), second: \(time.second)")

This is the standard way how to use it in the book The Swift Programming Language written by Apple.

or just like:

let time = getTime()
print("hour: \(time.0), minute: \(time.1), second: \(time.2)")

it's the same but less clearly.

you should return three different values from this method and get these three in a single variable like this.

func getTime()-> (hour:Int,min:Int,sec:Int){
//your code
return (hour,min,sec)

get the value in single variable

let getTime = getTime()

now you can access the hour,min and seconds simply by "." ie.

print("hour:\(getTime.hour) min:\(getTime.min) sec:\(getTime.sec)")

Swift 3

func getTime() -> (hour: Int, minute: Int,second: Int) {
        let hour = 1
        let minute = 20
        let second = 55
        return (hour, minute, second)

To use :

let(hour, min,sec) = self.getTime()

Update Swift 4.1

Here we create a struct to implement the Tuple usage and validate the OTP text length. That needs to be of 2 fields for this example.

struct ValidateOTP {
var code: String
var isValid: Bool }

func validateTheOTP() -> ValidateOTP {
    let otpCode = String(format: "%@%@", txtOtpField1.text!, txtOtpField2.text!)
    if otpCode.length < 2 {
        return ValidateOTP(code: otpCode, isValid: false)
    } else {
        return ValidateOTP(code: otpCode, isValid: true)


let isValidOTP = validateTheOTP()
    if isValidOTP.isValid { print(" valid OTP") } else {   self.alert(msg: "Please fill the valid OTP", buttons: ["Ok"], handler: nil)

Hope it helps!
