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Return List with Maximum Count using Linq

Using C# and Linq how would i return the List<....> with the largest size / count?

like image 249
Faizan Kazi Avatar asked Nov 14 '10 20:11

Faizan Kazi

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1 Answers

I'm assuming that you have a collection of lists called lists and you want to return the list in this collection that has the most elements. If so, try this:

var listWithLargestCount = lists.OrderByDescending(list => list.Count()).First();

Alternatively if this is LINQ to Objects and you have a lot of lists you might want to try this to get better performance by avoiding the O(n log n) sort:

int maxCount = lists.Max(list => list.Count());
var listWithLargestCount = lists.First(list => list.Count() == maxCount);
like image 124
Mark Byers Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10

Mark Byers