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Return custom object from Spring Data with Native Query

My question is based on another post. How can I achieve the same with a native query? Native queries do not allow JPQL thus do not allow new instances either.


class Coordinates {

    private final BigDecimal latitude
    private final BigDecimal longitude


My database table contains coordinates for cities perimeter, so there are three columns: city_name, latitude, longitude. Each city contains lots (really, LOTS) of perimeter coordinates that will be used to build a shadow area in Google Maps.

I intend to build a simple native query on that table that should return a list of coordinates.

like image 767
Sidney de Moraes Avatar asked Mar 19 '17 23:03

Sidney de Moraes

People also ask

How do you return DTOs from native queries with Spring data JPA?

Spring Data JPA doesn't provide an automatic mapping of class-based DTOs for native queries. The easiest way to use this projection is to define your query as a @NamedNativeQuery and assign an @SqlResultSetMapping that defines a constructor result mapping.

How do I return DTO from JPA repository?

Interface-based DTO projections You first need to define an interface that defines a getter method for each attribute your projection shall contain. At runtime, Spring Data JPA then generates a class that implements that interface. you can then use that interface as the return type of a repository method.

How use native SQL query in spring boot?

We can use @Query annotation to specify a query within a repository. Following is an example. In this example, we are using native query, and set an attribute nativeQuery=true in Query annotation to mark the query as native. We've added custom methods in Repository in JPA Custom Query chapter.

How do you map native query results to entities?

The easiest way to map a query result to an entity is to provide the entity class as a parameter to the createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass) method of the EntityManager and use the default mapping. The following snippet shows how this is done with a very simple query.

2 Answers

Found the answer on another post. Basically I used SqlResultSetMapping along with ConstructorResult (no other way worked out) with a special attention to a comment on the accepted answer of the mentioned post: you need to add the @NamedNativeQuery annotation to the entity of the used interface AND prepend the entity's name with a . otherwise it won't work.


@Table(name = "grupo_setorial")
        name = "mapeamentoDeQuadrantes",
        classes = {
                        targetClass = Coordenada.class,
                        columns = {
                                @ColumnResult(name = "latitude"),
                                @ColumnResult(name = "longitude")
        name = "GrupoCensitario.obterPerimetroDosSetores",
        query = "SELECT latitude as latitude, longitude as longitude FROM coordenadas where id_setor IN (:setores)",
        resultSetMapping = "mapeamentoDeQuadrantes"
public class GrupoCensitario {
like image 58
Sidney de Moraes Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 21:10

Sidney de Moraes

This is https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAJPA-980 and Here is a project that demonstrates the issue.

@Query(value = "SELECT name AS name, age AS age FROM Person", nativeQuery = true)
List<PersonSummary> findAllProjectedNativeQuery();

It is fixed in the Spring Data JPA 2.0 GA (Kay) release which comes with Hibernate 5.2.11.

The issue is also fixed for Spring Data 1.10.12 (Ingalls) and 1.11.8 (Hopper) but will need to be run on Hibernate 5.2.11 to work.

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ltsallas Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10
