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Return a list of imported Python modules used in a script?




I am writing a program that categorizes a list of Python files by which modules they import. As such I need to scan the collection of .py files ad return a list of which modules they import. As an example, if one of the files I import has the following lines:

import os import sys, gtk 

I would like it to return:

["os", "sys", "gtk"] 

I played with modulefinder and wrote:

from modulefinder import ModuleFinder  finder = ModuleFinder() finder.run_script('testscript.py')  print 'Loaded modules:' for name, mod in finder.modules.iteritems():     print '%s ' % name, 

but this returns more than just the modules used in the script. As an example in a script which merely has:

import os print os.getenv('USERNAME') 

The modules returned from the ModuleFinder script return:

tokenize  heapq  __future__  copy_reg  sre_compile  _collections  cStringIO  _sre  functools  random  cPickle  __builtin__  subprocess  cmd  gc  __main__  operator  array  select  _heapq  _threading_local  abc  _bisect  posixpath  _random  os2emxpath  tempfile  errno  pprint  binascii  token  sre_constants  re  _abcoll  collections  ntpath  threading  opcode  _struct  _warnings  math  shlex  fcntl  genericpath  stat  string  warnings  UserDict  inspect  repr  struct  sys  pwd  imp  getopt  readline  copy  bdb  types  strop  _functools  keyword  thread  StringIO  bisect  pickle  signal  traceback  difflib  marshal  linecache  itertools  dummy_thread  posix  doctest  unittest  time  sre_parse  os  pdb  dis 

...whereas I just want it to return 'os', as that was the module used in the script.

Can anyone help me achieve this?

UPDATE: I just want to clarify that I would like to do this without running the Python file being analyzed, and just scanning the code.

like image 273
Jono Bacon Avatar asked Apr 03 '10 20:04

Jono Bacon

People also ask

How do I see all Python modules?

To check all the installed Python modules, we can use the following two commands with the 'pip': Using 'pip freeze' command. Using 'pip list command.

How can I tell what is imported in Python?

You can inspect Python's import path by printing sys. path .

What does __ import __ return?

When importing a module from a package, note that __import__('A.B', ...) returns package A when fromlist is empty, but its submodule B when fromlist is not empty. Level is used to determine whether to perform absolute or relative imports.

2 Answers

IMO the best way todo this is to use the http://furius.ca/snakefood/ package. The author has done all of the required work to get not only directly imported modules but it uses the AST to parse the code for runtime dependencies that a more static analysis would miss.

Worked up a command example to demonstrate:

sfood ./example.py | sfood-cluster > example.deps 

That will generate a basic dependency file of each unique module. For even more detail use:

sfood -r -i ./example.py | sfood-cluster > example.deps 

To walk a tree and find all imports, you can also do this in code: Please NOTE - The AST chunks of this routine were lifted from the snakefood source which has this copyright: Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Martin Blais. All Rights Reserved.

 import os  import compiler  from compiler.ast import Discard, Const  from compiler.visitor import ASTVisitor   def pyfiles(startPath):      r = []      d = os.path.abspath(startPath)      if os.path.exists(d) and os.path.isdir(d):          for root, dirs, files in os.walk(d):              for f in files:                  n, ext = os.path.splitext(f)                  if ext == '.py':                      r.append([d, f])      return r   class ImportVisitor(object):      def __init__(self):          self.modules = []          self.recent = []      def visitImport(self, node):          self.accept_imports()          self.recent.extend((x[0], None, x[1] or x[0], node.lineno, 0)                             for x in node.names)      def visitFrom(self, node):          self.accept_imports()          modname = node.modname          if modname == '__future__':              return # Ignore these.          for name, as_ in node.names:              if name == '*':                  # We really don't know...                  mod = (modname, None, None, node.lineno, node.level)              else:                  mod = (modname, name, as_ or name, node.lineno, node.level)              self.recent.append(mod)      def default(self, node):          pragma = None          if self.recent:              if isinstance(node, Discard):                  children = node.getChildren()                  if len(children) == 1 and isinstance(children[0], Const):                      const_node = children[0]                      pragma = const_node.value          self.accept_imports(pragma)      def accept_imports(self, pragma=None):          self.modules.extend((m, r, l, n, lvl, pragma)                              for (m, r, l, n, lvl) in self.recent)          self.recent = []      def finalize(self):          self.accept_imports()          return self.modules   class ImportWalker(ASTVisitor):      def __init__(self, visitor):          ASTVisitor.__init__(self)          self._visitor = visitor      def default(self, node, *args):          self._visitor.default(node)          ASTVisitor.default(self, node, *args)    def parse_python_source(fn):      contents = open(fn, 'rU').read()      ast = compiler.parse(contents)      vis = ImportVisitor()        compiler.walk(ast, vis, ImportWalker(vis))      return vis.finalize()   for d, f in pyfiles('/Users/bear/temp/foobar'):      print d, f      print parse_python_source(os.path.join(d, f))  

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bear Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 01:10


I recently needed all the dependencies for a given python script and I took a different approach than the other answers. I only cared about top level module module names (eg, I wanted foo from import foo.bar).

This is the code using the ast module:

import ast   modules = set()  def visit_Import(node):     for name in node.names:         modules.add(name.name.split(".")[0])  def visit_ImportFrom(node):     # if node.module is missing it's a "from . import ..." statement     # if level > 0 it's a "from .submodule import ..." statement     if node.module is not None and node.level == 0:         modules.add(node.module.split(".")[0])  node_iter = ast.NodeVisitor() node_iter.visit_Import = visit_Import node_iter.visit_ImportFrom = visit_ImportFrom 

Testing with a python file foo.py that contains:

# foo.py import sys, os import foo1 from foo2 import bar from foo3 import bar as che import foo4 as boo import foo5.zoo from foo6 import * from . import foo7, foo8 from .foo12 import foo13 from foo9 import foo10, foo11  def do():     import bar1     from bar2 import foo     from bar3 import che as baz 

I could get all the modules in foo.py by doing something like this:

with open("foo.py") as f:     node_iter.visit(ast.parse(f.read())) print(modules) 

which would give me this output:

set(['bar1', 'bar3', 'bar2', 'sys', 'foo9', 'foo4', 'foo5', 'foo6', 'os', 'foo1', 'foo2', 'foo3']) 
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Jaymon Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10
