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Retrofit - Intercept responses globally

I'd like to intercept all responses received by the retrofit engine, and scan for HTTP error code, for example error 403.

I'm aware I can use the failure(RetrofitError error) callback of every request and check for 403's but I'd like to wrap the response globally.

I can see that request interception is possible, but I do not see a similar option for response.

Any suggestions?

like image 510
Aviran Avatar asked Aug 30 '15 08:08


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What are interceptors in retrofit?

What are Interceptors? According to documentation, Interceptors are a powerful mechanism that can monitor, rewrite, and retry the API call. So basically, when we do some API call, we can monitor the call or perform some tasks.

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The Chain object in retrofit is an implementation of the Chain of Responsibility design pattern, and each interceptor is a processing object which acquires the result of the previous interceptor through chain.

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header("User-Agent", "OkHttp Headers. java") . addHeader("Accept", "application/json; q=0.5") . addHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.

1 Answers

I was able to accomplish that by adding an interceptor to the OkHttpClient that retrofit is using.

Kotlin + Retrofit 2.x

val clientBuilder = OkHttpClient.Builder() clientBuilder.addInterceptor { chain ->             val request = chain.request()             val response = chain.proceed(request)             if (response.code() == 403) {                 handleForbiddenResponse()             }             response         } 

Retrofit 2.x:

   OkHttpClient.Builder clientBuilder = new OkHttpClient.Builder();    clientBuilder.             addInterceptor(new Interceptor() {                 @Override                 public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {                    Request request = chain.request();                    Response response = chain.proceed(request);                    if (response.code() == 403) {                          handleForbiddenResponse();                    }                    return response;                 }             });       Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()             .baseUrl(API_BASE_URL)             .addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create())             .client(clientBuilder.build();)             .build(); 

Retrofit 1.x:

public class ForbiddenInterceptor implements Interceptor {      @Override     public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {         Request request = chain.request();         Response response = chain.proceed(request);         if (response.code() == 403) {              handleForbiddenResponse();         }         return response;     } }    OkHttpClient okHttpClient = Utils.createUnsafeOkHttpClient(); okHttpClient.interceptors().add(new ForbiddenInterceptor());  RestAdapter.Builder restAdapterBuilder = new RestAdapter.Builder()         .setEndpoint(API_BASE_URL)         .setClient(new OkClient(okHttpClient)); 
like image 153
Aviran Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 17:10
