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Retrofit 2 not sending data when ProGuard is enabled


I try to login my users using Retrofit 2. (Basically a GET to the login URL with a basic header) It works well but once I ProGuard it, the Header Authorization is not sent anymore. (See log outputs)

Sample code :

User Model :

public interface UserService {      @GET(GET_LOGIN)     Observable<User> login(@Header("Authorization") String basic); } 

Login Activity :

public void onClick(View v) {     mRetrofit.create(UserService.class)              .login(Credentials.basic(email, password))              .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io())              .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())              .subscribe(user -> {                 UserHelper.save(LoginActivity.this, user);              }, throwable -> Dog.d); } 

Proguard File :

# Retrofit -dontwarn retrofit2.**  -dontwarn org.codehaus.mojo.** -keep class retrofit2.** { *; } -keepattributes Signature -keepattributes Exceptions -keepattributes *Annotation* -keepclasseswithmembers class * {     @retrofit.* <methods>; }  -keepclasseswithmembers interface * {     @retrofit.* <methods>; } 

Logs (proguard) :

D/OkHttp: --> GET http://passport-supercairos.rhcloud.com/users/login HTTP/1.1 D/OkHttp: User-Agent: VirtualPassport-Client {Android-23} {Aquaris_E5} D/OkHttp: Cache-Control: max-stale=10800 D/OkHttp: --> END GET D/OkHttp: <-- HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized (258ms) D/OkHttp: Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2016 12:57:19 GMT D/OkHttp: X-Powered-By: Express D/OkHttp: WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Users" D/OkHttp: Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100 D/OkHttp: Connection: Keep-Alive D/OkHttp: Transfer-Encoding: chunked D/OkHttp: Content-Type: text/plain D/OkHttp: OkHttp-Sent-Millis: 1455886639681 D/OkHttp: OkHttp-Received-Millis: 1455886639787 D/OkHttp: Unauthorized D/OkHttp: <-- END HTTP (12-byte body) 

Logs (non-proguard) :

D/OkHttp: --> GET http://passport-supercairos.rhcloud.com/users/login HTTP/1.1 D/OkHttp: User-Agent: VirtualPassport-Client {Android-23} {Aquaris_E5} D/OkHttp: Cache-Control: max-stale=10800 D/OkHttp: Authorization: Basic ZG9yb2ZyanVAZ21haWwuY29tOmN2dnZ2dnY= D/OkHttp: --> END GET D/OkHttp: <-- HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized (258ms) D/OkHttp: Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2016 12:57:19 GMT D/OkHttp: X-Powered-By: Express D/OkHttp: WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Users" D/OkHttp: Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100 D/OkHttp: Connection: Keep-Alive D/OkHttp: Transfer-Encoding: chunked D/OkHttp: Content-Type: text/plain D/OkHttp: OkHttp-Sent-Millis: 1455886639681 D/OkHttp: OkHttp-Received-Millis: 1455886639787 D/OkHttp: Unauthorized D/OkHttp: <-- END HTTP (12-byte body) 

Full code can be found here : https://github.com/supercairos/virtual-passport

like image 691
Romain Avatar asked Feb 19 '16 13:02


2 Answers

I finally managed to make it work. Here is the proguard configuration regarding Retrofit 2

# Retrofit -dontwarn retrofit2.** -dontwarn org.codehaus.mojo.** -keep class retrofit2.** { *; } -keepattributes Signature -keepattributes Exceptions -keepattributes *Annotation*  -keepattributes RuntimeVisibleAnnotations -keepattributes RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations -keepattributes RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations -keepattributes RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations  -keepattributes EnclosingMethod  -keepclasseswithmembers class * {     @retrofit2.* <methods>; }  -keepclasseswithmembers interface * {     @retrofit2.* <methods>; } 

Thanks @xudshen


The main problem: I used proguard-android-optimize So I should added:

-keepclasseswithmembers class * {     @retrofit2.http.* <methods>; } 

I also switched back to the regular Retrofit 2 proguard config provided by square :

# Platform calls Class.forName on types which do not exist on Android to determine platform. -dontnote retrofit2.Platform # Platform used when running on RoboVM on iOS. Will not be used at runtime. -dontnote retrofit2.Platform$IOS$MainThreadExecutor # Platform used when running on Java 8 VMs. Will not be used at runtime. -dontwarn retrofit2.Platform$Java8 # Retain generic type information for use by reflection by converters and adapters. -keepattributes Signature # Retain declared checked exceptions for use by a Proxy instance. -keepattributes Exceptions 
like image 67
Romain Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 19:10


Adding to @Romain's answer You Need to add to proguard file

-keepclasseswithmembers class * {     @retrofit2.http.* <methods>; } 

If you are using @Header, @Query...

Reference from here Retrofit2 proguard remove param

like image 37
silentsudo Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 17:10
