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Retrieving PayPal MassPay transaction status with the original correlation ID




We have a system that sends money to our users via the PayPal MassPay API and it works fine, but here is the problem: I can't find a way to retrieve the status of the MassPay transaction through PayPal's API.

The first thing I looked into was using the PayPal 'GetTransactionDetails' API call, but that requires the transaction ID, which is not returned by the original PayPal MassPay API call. When a MassPay is issued, here is the PayPal response: https://gist.github.com/3860194

As you can see in the response, PayPal issues me a correlation ID, but no transaction ID. My next thought was to use the 'TransactionSearch' API call, but that does not accept a correlation ID either. I even tried doing a broad TransactionSearch based on the TransactionClass parameter ('MassPay') and StartDate, but the responses don't contain any information (email or correlation ID) that allows me to know for certain which search result is my original request.

Has anyone worked with PayPal's API to search/retrieve a transaction ID through the correlation ID?

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dandemeyere Avatar asked Oct 09 '12 17:10


1 Answers

After sending the MassPay are listening for IPNs (Instant Payment Notifications)? The IPN response will contain PayPal transaction IDs for the individual payments you've sent. Once you grab the trxn IDs, from the IPN's then you should be able to call GetTransactionDetails API - and get the current status.

Note that the IPN will also contain the current transaction status at the time the IPN was sent.

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Rolf Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09
