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Retrieving element with jQuery inside knockout event

I've been playing about with knockout.js with jQuery, and I'm very new to knockout.js

My code example and code is here : http://jsfiddle.net/Ninjanoel/ADYN6/

Basically, I'm trying to create a lottery numbers input screen as a test of my knowledge, and I'm now trying to validate the input of a textbox, and then apply special effects to the input box if [onBlur], the text box is not valid.

I have a 'LotteryApp', with an observable array of 'Lines', with a normal array of [5] ko observables to serve as my inputs or 'Number Boxes'. I'm using a template to display each 'Line' and a further template inside that to render the 'Boxes'.

What I'd like is to call perhaps a jquery 'colour fade' plugin [red to bg color] on the textbox if the input isn't correct. But in the 'onBlur' function I've created, I cant find anything in any of the arguments passed to the function to help me call something like myTextBox = jQuery(arguments.something), so that I can do something like jQuery(myTextBox).colourFade()

<input type="text" data-bind="value:n, event:{blur: $parent.onBlur }, uniqueName:true, disable: $parent.isLD" class="lotteryNumber" maxlength="2"/>

is the code in my innermost template handling the onBlur.

self.onBlur = function()...

is the function I wish to call on the 'blur' event.

I am aware that if I use a custom binding e.g. ko.bindingHandlers.myBinding then the 'element' is passed directly to the 'update' and 'init' calls, which I can then use to call jQuery(element).colourFade(), but this is more of an exercise in understanding how to access the element using the standard event bindings, because I can imagine I'll be needing it often and dont wish to do EVERYTHING in a custom binding, and also, with only 'init' and 'update' options inside a custom binding (to my knowledge), I dont think those will be enough (e.g. what about on 'keyup'?), and anyway, the custom bindings appear to be based on a ko.observable rather than an event itself.

Summary :

when using data-bind="event : {blur : myMethod}", how do I, inside of myModel.myMethod, grab the html element that created the event.

like image 995
Ninjanoel Avatar asked Mar 19 '12 14:03


1 Answers

The jQuery event object is the second argument in the event handler, so:

self.onBlur = function(data, event) {
like image 77
Douglas Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 17:11
