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Retrieve User-Agent programmatically

Is there a way to retrieve Browser's user-agent without having a WebView in activity?

I know it is possible to get it via WebView:

WebView view = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.someview); String ua = view.getSettings().getUserAgentString() ; 

But in my case I don't have/need a webview object and I don't want to create it just for retrieving user-agent string.

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Laimoncijus Avatar asked Sep 02 '10 10:09


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1 Answers

If you don't have one you can try taking it like this

String ua=new WebView(this).getSettings().getUserAgentString(); 


The doc for getUserAgentString() says

Return the WebView's user-agent string.

So i don't think you can get it unless you declare one. Some one correct me if i am wrong

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DeRagan Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 01:09
