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Retrieve Publishing image field with Sharepoint 2013 REST Api / CSOM

We're using the Sharepoint 2013 REST API to get all news items from the Sharepoint. We made a custom ContentType 'Newsitem' with several properties including a Publishing Image Field.

  var contentTypeId = "0x01100018B03AC7E8312648AEA00851DEDBCAF802";
  var standardUri = "https://examplesite.com/blog/_api/lists/getbytitle('Messages')/items?$top=7&$filter=startswith(ContentTypeId,'" + contentTypeId + "')";
  var selectiveUri = "https://examplesite.com/blog/_api/lists/getbytitle('Messages')/items?$top=7&$filter=startswith(ContentTypeId,'" + contentTypeId + "')&$Select=Title,Teaser,Body,ShowAt,TeaserImg";

Using standardUri for my REST call, I retrieve all properties but no TeaserImg. Explicitly selecting TeaserImg makes the call fail of course.

Why can't I find the TeaserImg, isn't this possible with Sharepoint 2013 REST Api and should I use CSOM instead?

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Gigi2m02 Avatar asked Sep 15 '14 16:09


2 Answers

It does not seem possible to retrieve Publishing Image fields using List Item Collection endpoint.

There is a workaround, publishing fields could be retrieved using ListItem.FieldValuesAsHtml property via SharePoint REST endpoint as demonstrated below

Limitation: it requires to perform two requests.

How to retrieve Publishing fields using SharePoint 2013 REST

function getJson(endpointUri, success, error) 
       url: endpointUri,   
       type: "GET",   
       processData: false,  
       contentType: "application/json;odata=verbose",
       headers: {   
          "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose"
       success: success,
       error: error

function getPublishingPage(webUrl,listName,listItemId,publishingProperties, success, failure) 
    var itemUri =  webUrl + "/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('" + listName + "')/items(" + listItemId + ")";  
           var pageItem = data.d;

           var selectProperties = [];  
           for(var idx in publishingProperties){
           if(selectProperties.length > 0) {
              //construct an additional query 
              var query = '/FieldValuesAsHtml?$select=' + selectProperties.join(',');
              var endpointUri = pageItem['__metadata'].uri + query;
                    for(var property in data.d){
                       if(property == "__metadata") continue; 
                       pageItem[property] = data.d[property];   
           else {


The following example demonstrates how to retrieve page fields including publishing fields, such as PublishingRollupImage:


function printPageDetails(pageItem)
    console.log('Page Content: ' + pageItem.PublishingPageContent);
    console.log('Page Title: ' + pageItem.Title);
    console.log('Page Rollup Image ' + pageItem.PublishingRollupImage);

function logError(error){

Probably the best solution here would be to utilize CSOM

function getListItems(listTitle,success,error)
   var ctx = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
   var list = ctx.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(listTitle);
   var items = list.getItems(SP.CamlQuery.createAllItemsQuery());
   ctx.executeQueryAsync(function() {


function printPageItemsDetails(pageItems)
    for(var i = 0; i < pageItems.get_count();i++) {
        var pageItem = pageItems.getItemAtIndex(i);
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Vadim Gremyachev Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10

Vadim Gremyachev

Unfortunately, the Publishing Image field is not technically returnable via REST (at least, according to this article).

However I found (using the Advanced REST client) that you can actually retrieve the html for the Publishing Image field by making two requests. One to retrieve the list item for which you are attempting to get the Publishing Image, and another to retrieve the Publishing Image html via the FieldValuesAsHtml property of the returned results.

getPublishingImage(listname, id){
    var publishingImage = '';

        url:        _spPageContextInfowebroot.webAbsoluteUrl + '/_api/web/lists/getbytitle(\'' + listname + '\')/items(' + id + ')',
        method:     'GET',
        headers:    {
            Accept:     'application/json; odata=verbose'
        success:    function(data, request){
            // List item retrieved. Fetch the Publishing Image.
            var publishingImageUri = data.d.0.FieldValuesAsHtml.__deferred.uri;

            // Query SharePoint
                url:        publishingImageUri,
                method:     'GET',
                headers:    {
                    Accept:     'application/json; odata=verbose'
                success:    function(data, request){
                    publishingImage = data.d.Image;

    // Return the Publishing Image html
    return publishingImage;

While not ideal, at least with the html you can use jQuery or another method to extract the image uri from the html element. Or you can simply insert the element as is into the DOM.

Hope this helps!

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scullytr Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10
