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Retrieve product information as JSON with Stencil Utils

Using stencil-utils, I can retrieve product information for a given product ID. However, I can't find any documentation on how to retrieve the information as a JSON response as opposed to an HTML template.

Right now, I'm using the following code:

    (err, resp) => {

I'm hoping there's a parameter I can pass in the params object that will return the response as JSON so I can extract just the information I need about the product.

like image 643
dstaley Avatar asked Jan 29 '16 17:01


2 Answers

Using { params: { debug: "context" } } will work great on the local environment created using stencil start, however once you bundle & upload your theme to a live site, it stops working. The debugging tools debug: "context" and debug: "bar" are disabled on production.

After reaching out to bigcommerce support, which originally linked me to this SO question, it seems this is their proposed workflow:

You will have to use a dummy handlebars template, include the variables you need, and use the custom handlebars helper provided by bigcommerce, {{json}} - which seems to just run JSON.stringify() - the helper is defined here.

    847, { template: 'path/to/template' }, (err, resp) => {
        // Will print the name of the product.

I have had success with path/to/template being custom/template-name and placing the handlebars template in the templates/components/custom folder. I have not tested passing it a template from another source.

like image 63
Carlos Reyes Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 00:10

Carlos Reyes

So it looks like you can pass additional parameters by adding a param object to the options. With debug: "context", you can retrieve the entire context of the page, and you can then get the product information by accessing response.product.

    { params: { debug: "context" } },
    (err, resp) => {
        // Will print the name of the product.
like image 1
dstaley Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 23:10
