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Retrieve MIN and MAX date in one query



I have in a mysql database a table "travel_data" with three relevant columns:

| from  | to   | date      |
|City1 | City2 | 2015-12-12|
|City3 | City4 | 2016-12-12|
|City1 | City2 | 2015-06-06|
|City3 | City4 | 2017-01-01|

(plus a few other colums that I don't need at the moment).

I'm looking for a query that allows me to get, in one query if possible, the first and last date for each itinerary per row, i.e. something like:

|from  | to    | firstTravelDate | LastTravelDate|
|City1 | City2 | 2015-06-06      | 2015-12-12    |
|City3 | City4 | 2016-12-12      | 2017-01-01    |

I've search for "mysql select maximum minimum in one query" but solutions from there, inasfar as they worked at all, returned mix/max per table; I need the min/max per possible combination of from/to. This has me baffled to an extent where I haven't even a start for a working query. This needs to run only on MySql, so a standards-compliant solution is not necessary.

(Improvements on the title are welcome, I don't feel the title fully covers the actual question).

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Eike Pierstorff Avatar asked Sep 09 '15 13:09

Eike Pierstorff

People also ask

How can find max and MIN date in SQL?

SQL MIN() and MAX() Functions The MIN() function returns the smallest value of the selected column. The MAX() function returns the largest value of the selected column.

Can we use max and MIN together in SQL?

You can use both the MIN and MAX functions in one SELECT . If you use only these functions without any columns, you don't need a GROUP BY clause.

Can you use MIN function with dates?

Returns the earliest date found in a port or group. You can apply a filter to limit the rows in the search. You can nest only one other aggregate function within MIN, and the nested function must return a date datatype.

Video Answer

2 Answers

As Gordon indicated in the comments, this is a simple aggregation query. You will want to do the following

SELECT `from`, to, 
       MIN(date) AS firstTravelDate, 
       MAX(date) AS LastTravelDate 
FROM travel_data 
GROUP BY `from`, to;

You may need back ticks on the variables "FROM" and "TO" since those are reserved keywords in MySQL.

Also, in the interest of "teaching you to fish" as it were, I would recommend taking a look at https://sqlschool.modeanalytics.com/. There are a lot of SQL resources out there, and Mode's focuses on PostgreSQL not MySQL... but it's also very good and very fun to read.

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Evan Volgas Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10

Evan Volgas


   `from`, `to`, min(date) firstTravelDate, max(date) LastTravelDate
from travel_data
group by `from`, `to`

Demo sqlfiddle

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Praveen Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
