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Re.sub not working for me




I'm trying to get re.sub to replace a pattern specified with a value for example

for lines in f:

this return the line where the pattern was found. For example this is one of the test returns if got

this is a $$test$$

The problem i'm having is when i do the following


nothing happens. What am i missing? For more info key[0]=test and key[1]=replace so what i'm trying to do is whenever "$$test$$" is encountered it will replace it with "replace". I have no problem finding "$$test$$" but for some reason re.sub isn't replacing it.

like image 955
aport002 Avatar asked Nov 07 '11 06:11


2 Answers

You are assigning the result of re.sub back to a variable, right? e.g.

lines = re.sub(pattern, key[1], lines)

It's a string, so it can't be changed (strings are immutable in Python), therefore a new string is created and returned to you. If you don't assign it back to a name, you will lose it.

like image 185
kindall Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09


If you have a text, you can run re.sub() directly on the whole text as follows:

import re

ss = '''that's a line
another line
a line to $$test$$
here $$test$$ again
closing line'''


key = {0:'test', 1:'replace'}

regx = re.compile('\$\${[0]}\$\$'.format(key))

print( regx.sub(key[1],ss) )


If you read a file, you should have interest to read the whole file and put it in an object ss before runing re.sub() on it, instead of reading and replacing line after line


And if you have a list of lines , you must process as follows:

import re

key = {0:'test', 1:'replace'}

regx = re.compile('\$\${[0]}\$\$'.format(key))

lines = ["that's a line",
         'another line',
         'a line to $$test$$',
         'here $$test$$ again',
         'closing line']

for i,line in enumerate(lines):
    lines[i] =  regx.sub(key[1],line)

Otherwise a line containing '$$test$$' wouldn't be modified:

import re

key = {0:'test', 1:'replace'}

regx = re.compile('\$\${[0]}\$\$'.format(key))

lines = ["that's a line",
         'another line',
         'a line to $$test$$',
         'here $$test$$ again',
         'closing line']

for line in lines:
    line =  regx.sub(key[1],line)

print (lines)


["that's a line", 'another line', 'a line to $$test$$', '123456', 'here $$test$$ again', 'closing line']
like image 24
eyquem Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09
