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reStructuredText: README.rst not working on PyPI

I have created a package on github django-joyride, after publishing it to pypi it is not showing the README.rst properly. I have checked my syntax here on an online viewer and you can see it works fine. What could be the issue?

like image 771
Aamir Rind Avatar asked Nov 01 '22 09:11

Aamir Rind

1 Answers

I had the same problem when uploading my python module to pypi .

Later I checked the README.rst for errors using rst-lint which showed that my readme file was right. You can also use restructuredtext_link package for python to check the rst file for any errors or warnings .

I found that the problem was not in the README file but in setup.py itself.

Follow the below points while writing Readme and setup.py

  • DO NOT WRITE MULTI LINE python strings for description or summary or anything that goes into the setup( ) arguments .
  • Don't use relative links in the README file .(like ./path1/path2 ).
  • Make sure the rst syntax is all right using a checking tool like rst-lint.
  • If you have a markdown file , you can convert it to Restructured text using pandoc easily.

Also do not use any new docutils syntax since Pypi doesn't use the latest version as Github does.

like image 121
Natesh bhat Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11

Natesh bhat