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Restricting Google places.AutocompleteService() to a country in Angular - Not Working

I have been trying to use the Google Places api to return autocomplete results that are limited to just a country (in my case, the US), but the service does not seem to be using the componentRestriction property. I haven't found anyone else having this problem, so I am thinking it is a problem with my code. Also, I am using angular for the app, but I couldn't see how that would be affecting the web service.

Here is basically what I have:


<input ng-model="query" ng-keyup="getPredictions(query)">


var autoComplete = new google.maps.places.AutocompleteService();


    var searchObj = {
        input: query,
        componentRestrictions: {country: 'us'},
        types: '(cities)'

    autoComplete.getQueryPredictions(searchObj, function(predictions, status) {
            $scope.response = predictions;                

The 'types' filter is working, but the componentRestrictions is not.

I also set-up a fiddle to demonstrate: http://jsfiddle.net/jdalton308/cLtyv803/7/

Thanks for any help.

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Joe Dalton Avatar asked May 16 '15 21:05

Joe Dalton

1 Answers

According to the documentation getQueryPredictions() accepts QueryAutocompletionRequest object - which simply does not have componentRestrictions property.

So if you want to use the componentRestrictions you need to use getPlacePredictions() method with accepts AutocompletionRequest object.

This should work:

autoComplete.getPlacePredictions(searchObj, function(predictions, status) {
        $scope.response = predictions;                
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Abert Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09
