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RestKit warning: "Found a collection containing only NSNull values..."

I have a RestKit-based app with one mapped class. Everything seems to work fine. However, when I retrieve objects, RestKit emits a warning:

W restkit.object_mapping:RKObjectMapper.m:90 Found a collection containing only NSNull values, considering the collection unmappable...

The warning appears twice (presumably because there are two objects in JSON response). How can I fix that?

Here's my mapping:

RKManagedObjectMapping* presentationMapping = [RKManagedObjectMapping mappingForClass:[Presentation class]];
presentationMapping.primaryKeyAttribute = @"presentationId";
[presentationMapping mapKeyPath:@"id" toAttribute:@"presentationId"];
[presentationMapping mapKeyPath:@"title" toAttribute:@"title"];
[presentationMapping mapKeyPath:@"description" toAttribute:@"descriptionText"];
[presentationMapping mapKeyPath:@"download_url" toAttribute:@"downloadUrlString"];
[presentationMapping mapKeyPath:@"download_file_size" toAttribute:@"downloadFileSize"];

[objectManager.mappingProvider setMapping:presentationMapping forKeyPath:@"presentation"];

Here's how I retrieve objects:

[[RKObjectManager sharedManager] loadObjectsAtResourcePath:@"/presentations" delegate:self];

Here's my JSON structure (retrieved via curl):

    "presentation": {
      "description":"Lorem ipsum",
    "presentation": {
      "description":"Dolor sit amet",

The server is Rails 3.0 app which I control and can modify response format if needed.

I'm using RestKit 0.9.3.

like image 347
Jan Dudek Avatar asked Aug 15 '11 11:08

Jan Dudek

1 Answers

This warning is not a sign of an improper mapping. In fact this message should probably be logged as Debug or Trace as it can occur as part of normal object mapping. I'll submit a pull request to change the log level for the future. So rest assured your mapping is fine and no changes are necessary to quiet this warning. :)

like image 89
jeffarena Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 17:10
