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RESTful web service - how to authenticate requests from other services?

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How do you authenticate a RESTful web service?

Use of basic authentication is specified as follows: The string "Basic " is added to the Authorization header of the request. The username and password are combined into a string with the format "username:password", which is then base64 encoded and added to the Authorization header of the request.

How do I authenticate API requests?

Authenticate API requests using basic authentication with your email address and password, with your email address and an API token, or with an OAuth access token. All methods of authentication set the authorization header differently. Credentials sent in the payload or URL are not processed.

How do I set authentication on REST API?

To add the authentication credentials, click Next. Login—Enter basic authorization user name of the REST API web service. Password—Enter the password of the basic authorization protocol. (Optional) If the REST API web service requires custom headers to establish a connection, in Headers, add the headers and the values.

After reading your question, I would say, generate special token to do request required. This token will live in specific time (lets say in one day).

Here is an example from to generate authentication token:

(day * 10) + (month * 100) + (year (last 2 digits) * 1000)

for example: 3 June 2011

(3 * 10) + (6 * 100) + (11 * 1000) = 
30 + 600 + 11000 = 11630

then concatenate with user password, example "my4wesomeP4ssword!"


Then do MD5 of that string:


When do you call a request, always use this token,


This token is always unique everyday, so I guess this kind of protection is more than sufficient to always protect ur service.

Hope helps


Any solution to this problem boils down to a shared secret. I also don't like the hard-coded user-name and password option but it does have the benefit of being quite simple. The client certificate is also good but is it really much different? There's a cert on the server and one on the client. It's main advantage is that it's harder to brute force. Hopefully you've got other protections in place to protect against that though.

I don't think your point A for the client certificate solution is difficult to resolve. You just use a branch. if (client side certificat) { check it } else { http basic auth } I'm no java expert and I've never worked with it to do client side certificates. However a quick Google leads us to this tutorial which looks right up your alley.

Despite all of this "what's best" discussion, let me just point out that there is another philosophy that says, "less code, less cleverness is better." (I personally hold this philosophy). The client certificate solution sounds like a lot of code.

I know you expressed questions about OAuth, but the OAuth2 proposal does include a solution to your problem called "bearer tokens" which must be used in conjunction with SSL. I think, for the sake of simplicity, I'd choose either the hard-coded user/pass (one per app so that they can be revoked individually) or the very similar bearer tokens.

There are several different approaches you can take.

  1. The RESTful purists will want you to use BASIC authentication, and send credentials on every request. Their rationale is that no one is storing any state.

  2. The client service could store a cookie, which maintains a session ID. I don't personally find this as offensive as some of the purists I hear from - it can be expensive to authenticate over and over again. It sounds like you're not too fond of this idea, though.

  3. From your description, it really sounds like you might be interested in OAuth2 My experience so far, from what I've seen, is that it's kind of confusing, and kind of bleeding edge. There are implementations out there, but they're few and far between. In Java, I understand that it has been integrated into Spring3's security modules. (Their tutorial is nicely written.) I've been waiting to see if there will be an extension in Restlet, but so far, although it's been proposed, and may be in the incubator, it's still not been fully incorporated.

I believe the approach:

  1. First request, client sends id/passcode
  2. Exchange id/pass for unique token
  3. Validate token on each subsequent request until it expires

is pretty standard, regardless of how you implement and other specific technical details.

If you really want to push the envelope, perhaps you could regard the client's https key in a temporarily invalid state until the credentials are validated, limit information if they never are, and grant access when they are validated, based again on expiration.

Hope this helps

As far as the client certificate approach goes, it would not be terribly difficult to implement while still allowing the users without client certificates in.

If you did in fact create your own self-signed Certification Authority, and issued client certs to each client service, you would have an easy way of authenticating those services.

Depending on the web server you are using, there should be a method to specify client authentication that will accept a client cert, but does not require one. For example, in Tomcat when specifying your https connector, you can set 'clientAuth=want', instead of 'true' or 'false'. You would then make sure to add your self signed CA certificate to your truststore (by default the cacerts file in the JRE you are using, unless you specified another file in your webserver configuration), so the only trusted certificates would be those issued off of your self signed CA.

On the server side, you would only allow access to the services you wish to protect if you are able to retrieve a client certificate from the request (not null), and passes any DN checks if you prefer any extra security. For the users without client certs, they would still be able to access your services, but will simply have no certificates present in the request.

In my opinion this is the most 'secure' way, but it certainly has its learning curve and overhead, so may not necessarily be the best solution for your needs.