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REST Web Services API Design



Just wanted to get feedback on how I am planning to architect my API. Dummy methods below. Here's the structure:

GET http://api.domain.com/1/users/ <-- returns a list of users
POST http://api.domain.com/1/users/add.xml <-- adds user
POST http://api.domain.com/1/users/update.xml <-- updates user
DELETE (or POST?) http://api.domain.com/1/users/delete.xml <-- deletes user


  1. Is it OK to use just GET and POST?
  2. Is it a good idea that I plan to rely on the filename to indicate what operation to do (e.g. add.xml to add)? Would it be better to do something like this: POST http://api.domain.com/1/users/add/data.xml?
  3. What's a good way to keep these resources versioned? In my example, I use a /1/ after domain name to indicate version 1. Alternatives would be: http://api1.domain.com... or http://api-1.domain.com... or http://apiv1.domain.com... or http://api-v1.domain.com... or http://api.domain.com/v1/... or
  4. What's the best way to authenticate?
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StackOverflowNewbie Avatar asked Jan 20 '10 19:01


People also ask

What is REST API design?

What is a REST API? REST or RESTful API design (Representational State Transfer) is designed to take advantage of existing protocols. While REST can be used over nearly any protocol, it usually takes advantage of HTTP when used for Web APIs.

What is REST API Web service?

A REST API (also known as RESTful API) is an application programming interface (API or web API) that conforms to the constraints of REST architectural style and allows for interaction with RESTful web services. REST stands for representational state transfer and was created by computer scientist Roy Fielding.

Which design pattern is used in REST API?

RESTful APIs should take advantage of HTTP methods, or verbs, such as GET, PUT, and POST. RESTful API Design Patterns: API design patterns provide a description or templates to solve specific, recurring API design problems that any software architects and API designers would like to adopt in their API designs.

1 Answers

Before you dig into REST, here are some terms you really need to grasp:

Resource - The things/data you want to make available in your API (in your case a "User")

URI - A universally unique ID for a resource. Should mention nothing about the method being performed (e.g. shouldn't contain "add" or "delete"). The structure of your URI however doesn't make your app any more or less RESTful - this is a common misconception.

Uniform Interface - A fixed set of operations you can perform on your resources, in most cases this is HTTP. There are clear definitions for the purpose of each of these HTTP methods.

The most unrestful thing about your URIs as they are right now is that they have information about the operation being performed right in them. URIs are IDs and nothing more!

Let's take a real world example. My name is Nathan. "Nathan" could be considered my ID (or in restful terms URI – for the purpose of this example assume I'm the only "Nathan"). My name/ID doesn't changed based on how you would like to interact with me, e.g. My name wouldn't change to "NathanSayHello" when you wanted to greet me.

It's the same for REST. Your user identified by http://api.domain.com/users/1 doesn't change to http://api.domain.com/users/1/update.xml when you want to update that user. The fact that you want to update that user is implied by the method you're using (e.g. PUT).

Here is my suggestion for your URIs

# Retrieve info about a user 
GET http://api.domain.com/user/<id>

# Retrieve set all users
GET http://api.domain.com/users

# Update the user IDed by api.domain.com/user/<id>
PUT http://api.domain.com/user/<id>

# Create a new user.  The details (even <id>) are based as the body of the request
POST http://api.domain.com/users

# Delete the user ID'd by api.domain.com/user/<id>
DELETE http://api.domain.com/user/<id>

As for your questions:

  1. Use PUT and DELETE when appropriate and avoid overloading POST to handle these functions as it breaks HTTP's definition of POST. HTTP is your uniform interface. It is your contract with the API user about how they can expect to interact with your service. If you break HTTP, you break this contract.

  2. Remove "add" altogether. Use HTTP's Content-Type header for specifying the mime-type of posted data.

  3. Are you referring to the version of your API or the version of the resource? ETag and other response headers can be used to version the resources.

  4. Many options here. Basic HTTP Auth (easy but insecure), Digest Auth, custom auth like AWS. OAuth is also a possibility. If security is of main importance, I use client side SSL certs.

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nategood Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09
