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REST url for resource collection, which filters resource by attribute not equal to a given value




How to design REST url for resource collection, which filters resource by attribute not equal to a given value?

For example, to get the students in 8th grade, we use

GET /students?grade=8

How to do the same, if we need to get the students not in 8th grade? And how to design for less than (<) , greater than (>) etc ?

like image 980
Karthik Chandraraj Avatar asked Feb 28 '13 04:02

Karthik Chandraraj

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2 Answers

What I am thinking of doing is including the operator as part of the argument, delimited from the value. I would also define non-symbolic operators to avoid the need for ugly URL-encoding or confusion with the equals sign after the parameter name. For your example, this would be something like this for students not in grade 8:

GET /students?grade=neq|8

Students in grades > 8 would be:

GET /students?grade=gt|8

Students between grades 8 and 10 (inclusive):

GET /students?grade=gte|8,lte|10

This approach can be extended to other filterable fields without the need to add additional parameters to modify the way each field is filtered.

like image 184
randomhuman Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09


Stripe has one of the most respected APIs.

They use a separate parameter for each operator separated with a dot.

For example, to search on created date:


In your case you could do something like:


Or even add another operator for not:

like image 24
Jeremy Richardson Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

Jeremy Richardson