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res.send(), then res.redirect()

Why is the following not working?

    successMessage: 'Task saved successfully.'

I basically need the successMessage for AJAX requests. The redirect is necessary when the request is a standard post request (non-AJAX).

The following approach doesn't seem to be very clean to me as I don't want to care about the frontend-technology in my backend:

if(req.xhr) {
        successMessage: 'Aufgabe erfolgreich gespeichert.'
} else {
like image 803
mosquito87 Avatar asked Jan 29 '14 18:01


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How do I Res redirect?

The res. redirect() function lets you redirect the user to a different URL by sending an HTTP response with status 302. The HTTP client (browser, Axios, etc.) will then "follow" the redirect and send an HTTP request to the new URL as shown below. const app = require('express')(); // The `res.

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send() Send a string response in a format other than JSON (XML, CSV, plain text, etc.). This method is used in the underlying implementation of most of the other terminal response methods.

1 Answers

You can use a status code to indicate that your task was saved and then redirect. Try this:



res.redirect(200, '/');

Because AJAX knows success or failure codes, so for example if you'll send 404, AJAX success function won't execute

like image 133
M Omayr Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

M Omayr