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Response too large to be displayed



In Jmeter, I have been experiencing "Response too large to be displayed. Size: 340188 > Max: 204800" error in the response data in often. Though I have tried to update the "View.Result.Tree.Max size as 0. But again facing the same issue.

like image 964
Karthik_KKR Avatar asked Mar 24 '14 13:03


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1 Answers

In user.properties file add this:


Case is important, and '_' not '.' in max_size

Restart jmeter

That's it


  • https://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/properties_reference.html#miscellaneous

Maximum size (in bytes) of HTML page that can be displayed. Set to zero to disable the size check and display the whole response. Defaults to: 10485760

like image 175
pmpm Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 17:11
