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Resources on writing a Debian/Ubuntu deb package? [closed]

I'm getting started preparing an installation script for a software package onto an Ubuntu server. I would like to write a script as a .deb package that is aware of dependencies that must be installed beforehand (a database, web server, etc.).

Can you recommend any tutorials/resources to help a newbie developer get started writing deb packages?

Update: Canonical has a thorough Packaging Guide which explains the process very well.

like image 855
Peter Bratton Avatar asked Jul 22 '09 14:07

Peter Bratton

People also ask

Which is the name of the list of software sources for Debian package management?

The current Debian package management system which can utilize all these resources is Advanced Packaging Tool (APT).

How do I distribute a Debian package?

Creating a Package Repository A package repository is a directory with the DEBs of your packages and a few additional special files in it; any Debian user can add your package repository to his sources. list file, and then your packages will be listed to him together with all the others available in Debian.

Where are the deb files stored in Ubuntu?

deb file in /var/cache/apt/archive/ .

Which packaging system does Debian use?

The Apt (Advanced Package Tool) package management system is a set of tools to download, install, remove, upgrade, configure and manage Debian packages, and therefore all software installed on a Debian system.

1 Answers

If you are entirely new to building Debian packages, I suggest that you look at the Debian New Maintainers' Guide and use the Debian Developer's Reference as reference. As a starting point, dh_make (from the dh-make package) should give you a good template to work with.

like image 145
hillu Avatar answered Dec 24 '22 10:12
