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Resolve Target Entity with multiple entity managers

Is it possible to resolve a target entity over multiple entity managers?

I have a class person (in a re-usable bundle):

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @ORM\Table(name="my_vendor_person")
class Person
     * Unique Id
     * @var integer $id
     * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer")
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
    protected $id;

     * First Name
     * @var string $name
     * @ORM\Column(name="first_name", type="string", length=32)
    protected $firstName;
    // etc...

And a class user (in my main application):

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @ORM\Table(name="my_financial_user")
class User extends BaseUser

     * @ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="My\FinancialBundle\Model\PersonInterface")
     * @var PersonInterface
    protected $person;

Basically I want to couple the user to a person from the re-usable bundle.

I had set resolve target entity option in doctrine's configuration which I thought it allows me to do this:

      auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%"
      default_entity_manager: default
          My\FinanceBundle\Model\PersonInterface: My\VendorBundle\Entity\Person
              naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore
              connection: default
                  MyFinanceBundle: ~
              naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore
              auto_mapping: false
              connection: second
                  MyVendorBundle: ~
                  MyVendorUserBundle: ~

Also, the user class in the main bundle, extends a base user in the vendor bundle. The user class of course is maintained, in the main-applications db.

With this configuration it gives me an error.

The class 'My\VendorBundle\Entity\Person' was not found in the chain configured namespaces My\FinanceBundle\Entity, FOS\UserBundle\Model 

Does anyone know how to solve this?

like image 704
apfz Avatar asked Mar 10 '16 14:03


1 Answers

As mentioned in the comment the entity managers don't talk to each other so you have to work around it. One way is to use a doctrine listener and insert a callback that can be invoked by the getPerson method.


use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Event\LifecycleEventArgs;
use My\FinancialBundle\Entity\Person;
use My\VendorBundle\Entity\User;
use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\RegistryInterface;

class InsertPersonListsner
     * @var RegistryInterface
    private $registry;

     * Insert the registry into the listener rather than the entity manager
     * to avoid a cyclical dependency issue
     * @param RegistryInterface $registry
    public function __construct(RegistryInterface $registry)
        $this->registry = $registry;

     * On postLoad insert person callback
     * @var LifecycleEventArgs $args
    public function postLoad(LifecycleEventArgs $args)
        $user = $args->getObject();

        // If not a user entity ignore
        if (!$user instanceof User) {

        $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass(User::class);

        $property = $reflectionClass->getProperty('personId');

        // if personId is not set ignore
        if (null === $personId = $property->getValue($user)) {

        // get the repository for your person class
        // - changed to your version from the comments
        $repository = $this->registry

        // set the value as a callback rather than the entity
        // so it's not called unless necessary
        $property = $reflectionClass->getProperty('personCallback');
        $property->setValue($user, function() use ($repository, $personId) {
            return $repository->find($personId);


use My\FinancialBundle\Entity\Person;

class User

     * @var Person
    private $person;

     * @var integer
    private personId;

     * @var callable
    private $personCallback;

     * Set person
     * @param Person|null $person
     * @return $this
    public function setPerson(Person $person = null)
        $this->person = $person;

        // if the person is null reset the personId and
        // callback so that it's not called again
        if (null === $person) {
            $this->personId = null;
            $this->personCallback = null;
        } else {
            // set the personId to be stored on the db for the next postLoad event
            $this->personId = $person->getId();

        return null;

     * Get person
     * @return Person|null
    public function getPerson()
        // if the person has not been set and the callback is callable,
        // call the function and set the result (of $repository->find($personId))
        // to the person property and then return it. The callback is
        // reset to stop unnecessary repository calls in case of a null response 
        if (null === $this->person && is_callable($this->personCallback)) {
            $this->person = call_user_func($this->personCallback);
            $this->personCallback = null;

        return $this->person;


    class: AppBundle\Doctrine\InsertPersonListener
        - '@doctrine'
        - { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: postLoad }


After looking for an example of this in real life I found this. From this I saw that you could change the

$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass(User::class)


$reflectionClass = $args->getObjectManager()

which, I assume, would mean one less new \ReflectionClass(...) call per load.

like image 140
qooplmao Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 08:11
