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Resize a div to smaller than its declared size?

Is there a way to resize a div to smaller than the declared height and width?

I'm making an application where the user can resize a div and save it. However, when I load it later and set it to the size the user set to last time, they can make the div bigger, but not smaller.

This is a sample div:

.cls {
  border: solid 1px;
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  resize: both;
  overflow: auto;   


This question has the same issue but uses GWT and doesn't seem to have a good solution.

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chustar Avatar asked Oct 20 '12 03:10


People also ask

How do I make a div smaller than its contents?

Answer: Use the CSS display Property You can simply use the CSS display property with the value inline-block to make a <div> not larger than its contents (i.e. only expand to as wide as its contents).

How do I resize a div proportionally?

For proportional resizing purposes, it makes matters extremely simple: Define the width of an element as a percentage (eg: 100%) of the parent's width, then define the element's padding-top (or -bottom) as a percentage so that the height is the aspect ratio you need. And that's it!

How do I make a large image in a div smaller?

Answer: Use the CSS max-width Property You can simply use the CSS max-width property to auto-resize a large image so that it can fit into a smaller width <div> container while maintaining its aspect ratio.

2 Answers

If you want to use the CSS3 UI resize feature, then your browser decides whether you can make it smaller or bigger than declared width or height. http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-ui/#resize

The user agent may restrict the resizing range to something suitable, such as between the original formatted size of the element, and large enough to encompass all the element's contents.

In Firefox for example, you can resize it smaller than your declared width or height. Whilst in chrome you cannot.

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Pfft Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10


Just want to make a slight modification to what Pfft said in the accepted answer.

If you use the :active pseudo-class instead of :hover it doesn't have the flicker when you hover over the element. That flicker is really annoying.

div:active {
  width: 0;
  height: 0;

By using :active what happens is when clicking on the element it will be resized to the height: 0, width: 0 so a little dot where the 1px border is will be shown but as soon as the user starts resizing you get exactly what you would want in resizing. And on every subsequent resize there is no glitch and it just works perfectly.

I find this to be much less annoying than using hover. Thanks to Pfft for the above response, it was exactly what I was looking for and led me to my own slightly altered solution!

Here's a jsfiddle of it: http://jsfiddle.net/kronenbear/v4Lq5o09/1/

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theCodeBear Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10
