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ReSharper: Namespace does not correspond to file location

I renamed a folder and updated my namespace declarations, but ReSharper 6 claims that the namespace should be a reflection of how it was before the rename. Where is it storing the file location data?

like image 653
Ian Warburton Avatar asked Feb 22 '12 10:02

Ian Warburton

2 Answers

Check to make sure your assembly name matches your new namespace. If you've changed your folder structure to match your new namespace, you may still see the ReSharper alert until you update the project properties.

like image 132
clickatwill Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 18:09


As delliottg's comment says, in Visual Studio, go to

Project > [project name] Properties > Application

and change "Assembly name" as well as "Default namespace".

like image 20
Sameera R. Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09

Sameera R.