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ReSharper-like addon for NetBeans

is there any ReSharper-like addon for NetBeans (preferably 6.8)? I'm using NetBeans for PHP.

I need following features:

  • add some kind of code analysis
  • add some intelligent refactoring interface
  • enhance current code completion system
  • add more options to code highlighting

Currently I'm using multiple external tools, which aren't exactly user-friendly and I'd like to, preferably, have it all in one tool. Perhaps some other PHP IDE have something like this.

EDIT: Bit more details in my answer to Jani Hartikainen.

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Ondrej Slinták Avatar asked Feb 28 '23 22:02

Ondrej Slinták

1 Answers

If you like Resharper that you just should try new PHP IDE from same developers! Refactoring, static code analysis, smart completion - JetBrains WebIDE

like image 148
Alexey Gopachenko Avatar answered Mar 08 '23 14:03

Alexey Gopachenko