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Resharper Keyboard shortcut Go to next issue and display and fix issue?

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What is the keyboard shortcut to set ReSharper?

Choose Tools | Options from the menu and then go to Environment | Keyboard page. Use the shortcut tables to find the alias of the command, to which you are going to assign a new shortcut. If some command does not have a default shortcut, you can find its alias under the title of the corresponding help page.

How do I reset keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio?

Click File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts. There is a triple-dot (...) at the top-right hand corner. Click on that and select "Show User Keybindings" Delete your listed keybindings.

Why are my shortcuts not working Windows 10?

Keyboard shortcuts could fail to work if you don't press the key combinations at the same time. If you are having difficulties pressing multiple keys at the same time, you should enable Sticky Keys. This Windows 10 feature allows you to press the shortcut keys one after another.

You could use:

  1. Go to next issue or suggestion Alt + PgDown.

  2. Display possible fixes and apply them Alt + Enter. Once to see possible fixes twice to apply them.

You can also refer to the default ReSharper keymap (Visual Studio scheme) for more keyboard shortcuts.

Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard

Search for ReSharper.ReSharper_GotoNextErrorInSolution and ReSharper.ReSharper_GotoNextHighlight and give them whatever shortcut you like. Cesar is correct with the Alt + Enter solution (ReSharper_QuickFix). Also, the navigation shortcuts he mentions are ReSharper.ReSharper_GotoNextOccurence and ReSharper.ReSharper_GotoPreviousOccurence, though those last two seem best suited for the results of Find Usages, etc.

To go to the next error in the entire solution: Shift + Alt + PgDown

To go to previous error in the entire solution: Shift + Alt + PgUp

This will save you from opening each files individually.

If you have installed the StyleCop plugin for ReSharper, you can use the F12 key to move to the next issue.