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resharper is not ignoring tests marked with Category Attribute in XUnit


public class ProgramClientShould


[Trait("Contract", null)]
public class ProgramClientShould

and Resharper -> Options -> Tools -> Unit Testing: "Skip tests from categories" with value "Contract"

Still, tests in ProgramClientShould are executed. What's wrong?

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Pato Loco Avatar asked Jun 12 '15 15:06

Pato Loco

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1 Answers

xunit doesn't have a Category attribute, so the resharper runner won't recognise that. As for the trait attribute, you need to provide a value, then filter for something in the format key[value]. E.g. if you want to use [Trait("Owner", "Matt")], you would filter for a category of Owner[Matt].

The trait key Category is treated differently, and just the value is used, so [Trait("Category", "integration")] would use integration as the category filter in the resharper options.

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citizenmatt Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 15:10
