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Resharper 4.5 has broken my colour scheme

I'm not sure exactly what went wrong here, but ReSharper 4.5 RTM seems to have stolen my Visual Studio colour theme. I normally use Fredrik Kalseth's wicked theme, and I've been using ReSharper since version 2.0. Never before has this happened - not even while using the 4.5 Beta. My scheme remained intact without detrimental interference - well, actually ReSharper did its normal highlighting which was actually quite complimentary! But this time, when building my new machine, the outcome looks like this:

Dark colours meant for a light theme

Yes I know that ReShaper colours can be configured under Tools->Font and Colors, but firstly, I don't want to have to do that, and secondly, I want to understand why this has happened only now, and never before.

When I uninstall ReSharper, the colours go back to normal. I have tried removing the theme and resharper and reinstalling in different orders to no avail. I apply the theme with a code file open, and see a brief flash of the correct colours how they used to look, and then ReSharper takes over.

I've tried Ryan and Joel's AWESOME theme generator, but I see the same brief flash of the correct colours being applied after importing, and then the crappy colours overlay themselves again. I say they are crappy only in the context of a dark theme, on a light theme they look just fine.

I just want to know how to have my cake and eat it like it's been all this time. I must stress, that the theme and resharper have been working hand in hand perfectly together all the time I've used it (6 months at least), it's only happened on my new machine - my old machine looks and works fine. Oh - and I have a fully licensed version of ReSharper - not a trial.

Any help is much appreciated.

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RobertTheGrey Avatar asked Apr 27 '09 09:04


2 Answers

Open Visual Studio Go to Resharper > Options... > Code Inspection > Settings

Untick "Color identifiers". Press ok.

like image 132
Mark Broadhurst Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 10:11

Mark Broadhurst

Try going into Tools -> Fonts and Colors, change nothing and click ok. It's sorted out problems like this for some people I know. I think it makes VS reapply the stored color settings.

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Garry Shutler Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 10:11

Garry Shutler