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reshape wide to long with character suffixes instead of numeric suffixes




Inspired by a comment from @gsk3 on a question about reshaping data, I started doing a little bit of experimentation with reshaping data where the variable names have character suffixes instead of numeric suffixes.

As an example, I'll load the dadmomw dataset from one of the UCLA ATS Stata learning webpages (see "Example 4" on the webpage).

Here's what the dataset looks like:

dadmom <- read.dta("https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stat/stata/modules/dadmomw.dat")
#   famid named  incd namem  incm
# 1     1  Bill 30000  Bess 15000
# 2     2   Art 22000   Amy 18000
# 3     3  Paul 25000   Pat 50000

When trying to reshape from this wide format to long, I run into a problem. Here's what I do to reshape the data.

reshape(dadmom, direction="long", idvar=1, varying=2:5, 
        sep="", v.names=c("name", "inc"), timevar="dadmom",
        times=c("d", "m"))
#     famid dadmom  name  inc
# 1.d     1      d 30000 Bill
# 2.d     2      d 22000  Art
# 3.d     3      d 25000 Paul
# 1.m     1      m 15000 Bess
# 2.m     2      m 18000  Amy
# 3.m     3      m 50000  Pat

Note the swapped column names for "name" and "inc"; changing v.names to c("inc", "name") doesn't solve the problem.

reshape seems very picky about wanting the columns to be named in a fairly standard way. For example, I can reshape the data correctly (and easily) if I first rename the columns:

dadmom2 <- dadmom # Just so we can continue experimenting with the original data
# Change the names of the last four variables to include a "."
names(dadmom2)[2:5] <- gsub("(d$|m$)", "\\.\\1", names(dadmom2)[2:5])
reshape(dadmom2, direction="long", idvar=1, varying=2:5, 
#     famid dadmom name   inc
# 1.d     1      d Bill 30000
# 2.d     2      d  Art 22000
# 3.d     3      d Paul 25000
# 1.m     1      m Bess 15000
# 2.m     2      m  Amy 18000
# 3.m     3      m  Pat 50000

My questions are:

  1. Why is R swapping the columns in the example I've provided?
  2. Can I get to this result with base R reshape without changing the variable names before reshaping?
  3. Are there other approaches that could be considered instead of reshape?
like image 549
A5C1D2H2I1M1N2O1R2T1 Avatar asked May 06 '12 07:05


People also ask

How do you reshape data from wide to long format?

The easiest way to reshape data between these formats is to use the following two functions from the tidyr package in R: pivot_longer(): Reshapes a data frame from wide to long format. pivot_wider(): Reshapes a data frame from long to wide format.

What does reshape long do in Stata?

The reshape long command puts the data back into long format. We then list out the long file.

Can you reshape multiple variables in Stata?

The reshape command can work on more than one variable at a time. In the example above, we just reshaped the age variable. In the example below, we reshape the variables age, wt and sex like this.

1 Answers

This works (to specify to varying what columns go with who):

reshape(dadmom, direction="long",  varying=list(c(2, 4), c(3, 5)), 
        sep="", v.names=c("name", "inc"), timevar="dadmom",
        times=c("d", "m"))

So you actually have nested repeated measures here; both name and inc for mom and dad. Because you have more than one series of repeated measures you have to supply a list to varying that tells reshape which group gets stacked on the other group.

So the two approaches to this problem are to provide a list as I did or to rename the columns the way the R beast likes them as you did.

See my recent blogs on base reshape for more on this (particularly the second link deals with this):

reshape (part I)

reshape (part II)

like image 162
Tyler Rinker Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 05:10

Tyler Rinker