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Reshape data in R with fixed effect information within column





I've been provided with a couple of very awkwardly formatted data in excel which I need to reshape so it fits to run a survival analysis in R.

I uploaded an extract of the data to Google drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ret3bCDCYPDALQ16YBloaeopfl2-qVbp
The original data frame has about 2100 observations and 950 variables

Here is the basic data frame:

  ID=c( "", "","C8477","C5273","C5566"),


#     ID       LR     LR.1     LR.2
# 1          2012Y    2012Y    2011Y
# 2       State:FL State:AZ State:FL
# 3 C8477        5        5        7
# 4 C5273        6        8        2
# 5 C5566        8       10        1

All the columns have the same name "LR". I don't know if this will be a problem later...

The Year is given in row 1 and the according state the observation happened in row 2.

As output I need to have some panel data that I work with in later survival analysis.



#     ID Year State LR
# 1 C8477 2012    FL  5
# 2 C5273 2012    AZ  8
# 3 C5566 2011    FL  1

I played around with the reshape function and seq functions, but non of that will help me move in the right direction, as the data frame is so oddly arranged.

like image 846
Juan Avatar asked Oct 13 '19 19:10


People also ask

How do you melt data in R?

Melting in R It is performed using melt() function which takes dataset and column values that has to be kept constant. Using melt(), dataframe is converted into long format and stretches the data frame.

How do you reshape data from wide to long in R?

The easiest way to reshape data between these formats is to use the following two functions from the tidyr package in R: pivot_longer(): Reshapes a data frame from wide to long format. pivot_wider(): Reshapes a data frame from long to wide format.

What does the reshape function do in R?

Description. This function reshapes a data frame between 'wide' format with repeated measurements in separate columns of the same record and 'long' format with the repeated measurements in separate records.

3 Answers

This is a tidyverse approach:

my.data <- data.frame(
  ID=c( "", "","C8477","C5273","C5566"),

my code:

year <- as.matrix(my.data[1, -1])
year <- str_split(year, "Y", simplify = T)[,1]
state <-as.matrix(my.data[2, -1])
both<-paste(state, year, sep = "_")
mydata1<-my.data[-c(1, 2), ]
colnames(mydata1) <-c("ID", both)
long <-pivot_longer(mydata1, 
             cols = starts_with("state"),
             names_to = "State_year",
             values_to = "LR")
long %>%
    ID, LR, 
    state = str_split(State_year, "_", simplify = T)[, 1],
    state = str_split(state, ":", simplify = T)[, 2], 
    year = str_split(State_year, "_", simplify = T)[, 2]

We get:

  ID    LR    state year 
1 C8477 5     FL    2012 
2 C8477 5     AZ    2012 
3 C8477 7     FL    2011 
4 C5273 6     FL    2012 
5 C5273 8     AZ    2012 
6 C5273 2     FL    2011 
7 C5566 8     FL    2012 
8 C5566 10    AZ    2012 
9 C5566 1     FL    2011  
like image 192
Zhiqiang Wang Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 15:10

Zhiqiang Wang

Here is the reshape2 and tidyr version of achieving this:


my.data <- data.frame(
  ID=c( "", "","C8477","C5273","C5566"),

# Combine first two rows as column names
colnames(my.data) <- paste(unlist(my.data[2, ]), unlist(my.data[1, ]), sep = "|")
# Remove first two rows from data
my.data <- my.data[-c(1:2), ] # negative index removes rows

# Melt data
my.data.long <- melt(
  id.vars = 1L, # would be better to have explicit col name
  value.name = "LR" 
colnames(my.data.long) <- c("ID", "state_year", "LR")

# Split state_year column into two columns:
my.data.long <- separate(
  into = c("State", "Year"), 
  sep = "\\|" # note this is a regex

Idea was borrowed here.

like image 32
Bulat Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 16:10


A possible base-R approach using reshape:

## 1) extract the State and Year rows in a separate data.frame
dat.meta <- data.frame(
    Year = unlist(dat[1, -1]),
    State = sub("State:", "", dat[2, -1]),
    LR.id = colnames(dat)[-1]

## 2) reshape the data without State and Year rows into long format
dat.long <- reshape(
    data = dat[-c(1, 2), ], 
    varying = 2:4,
    direction = "long",
    v.names = "LR",
    timevar = "LR.id",
    times = colnames(dat)[-1]

dat.long$id <- NULL  ## remove id-column   

## 3) merge the reshaped data with the extracted State and Year data
merge(dat.long, dat.meta, by = "LR.id")

#>   LR.id    ID LR  Year State
#> 1    LR C8477  5 2012Y    FL
#> 2    LR C5273  6 2012Y    FL
#> 3    LR C5566  8 2012Y    FL
#> 4  LR.1 C8477  5 2012Y    AZ
#> 5  LR.1 C5273  8 2012Y    AZ
#> 6  LR.1 C5566 10 2012Y    AZ
#> 7  LR.2 C8477  7 2011Y    FL
#> 8  LR.2 C5273  2 2011Y    FL
#> 9  LR.2 C5566  1 2011Y    FL


dat <- data.frame(
    ID=c( "", "","C8477","C5273","C5566"),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
like image 22
Joris C. Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 16:10

Joris C.