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Reset R instance



Is it possible to reset an instance of R?

Eg. if I have used the commands

x <- 1:10
plot(x, -x)

And thus polluted the system with the x variable. In this state can I then revert back to a clean state without shutting R down and launching it again?

like image 266
midtiby Avatar asked Sep 15 '10 10:09


1 Answers

You can remove all variables from your workspace using

rm(list = ls())

You can 'unload' packages with



You can close all graphics devices with


You can clear the command editor history with CTRL+L.

If you use Tinn-R as your editor, there is a 'Clear all' button, which clears your workspace and command editor history, and closes graphics devices. (It does not detach packages.)


One other thing that you would have to do to reset R is to close all open connections. It is incredibly bad form to leave open connections lying about, so this is more belt and braces than a necessity. (You can probably fool close_all_connections by opening connections in obscure environments, but in that case you have only yourself to blame.)

is.connection <- function(x) inherits(x, "connection")

get_connections <- function(envir = parent.frame()) 
  Filter(is.connection, mget(ls(envir = envir), envir = envir))

close_all_connections <- function() 
   lapply(c(sys.frames(), globalenv(), baseenv()), 
      function(e) lapply(get_connections(e), close))


As Marek suggests, use closeAllConnections to do this.


In response to Ben's comment about resetting options, that's actually a little bit tricky. the best way to do it would be to store a copy of your options when you load R, and then reset them at this point.

#on R load
assign(".Options2", options(), baseenv())

#on reset

If you aren't foresighted enough to set this up when you load R, then you need something like this function.

reset_options <- function()
  is_win <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows"
    add.smooth            = TRUE,
    browserNLdisabled     = FALSE,
    CBoundsCheck          = FALSE,
    check.bounds          = FALSE,
    continue              = "+ ",
    contrasts             = c(
      unordered = "contr.treatment", 
      ordered   = "contr.poly"
    defaultPackages       = c(
    demo.ask              = "default",
    device                = if(is_win) windows else x11,
    device.ask.default    = FALSE,
    digits                = 7,
    echo                  = TRUE,
    editor                = "internal",
    encoding              = "native.enc",
    example.ask           = "default",
    expressions           = 5000,
    help.search.types     = c("vignette", "demo", "help"),    
    help.try.all.packages = FALSE,
    help_type             = "text",
    HTTPUserAgent         = with(
        "R (", 
        paste(major, minor, sep = "."), 
        " ", 
        " ", 
        " ", 
    internet.info         = 2,
    keep.source           = TRUE,
    keep.source.pkgs      = FALSE,
    locatorBell           = TRUE,
    mailer                = "mailto",
    max.print             = 99999,
    menu.graphics         = TRUE,
    na.action             = "na.omit",
    nwarnings             = 50,
    OutDec                = ".",
    pager                 = "internal",
    papersize             = "a4",
    pdfviewer             = file.path(R.home("bin"), "open.exe"),
    pkgType               = if(is_win) "win.binary" else "source",
    prompt                = "> ",
    repos                 = c(
      CRAN      = "@CRAN@", 
      CRANextra = "http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/RWin"
    scipen                = 0,
    show.coef.Pvalues     = TRUE,
    show.error.messages   = TRUE,
    show.signif.stars     = TRUE,
    str                   = list(
      strict.width = "no",
      digits.d     = 3,
      vec.len      = 4
    str.dendrogram.last   = "`",
    stringsAsFactors      = TRUE,
    timeout               = 60,
    ts.eps                = 1e-05,
    ts.S.compat           = FALSE,
    unzip                 = "internal",
    useFancyQuotes        = TRUE,
    verbose               = FALSE,
    warn                  = 0,
    warning.length        = 1000,
    width                 = 80,
    windowsTimeouts       = c(100, 500)

The options in that function provide a vanilla R session so you might wish to source your Rprofile.site file afterwards to customise R how you like it.

source(file.path(R.home("etc"), "Rprofile.site"))
like image 78
Richie Cotton Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10

Richie Cotton