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Reset or Clear .NET MemoryStream

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Does MemoryStream need to be disposed?

You needn't call either Close or Dispose . MemoryStream doesn't hold any unmanaged resources, so the only resource to be reclaimed is memory. The memory will be reclaimed during garbage collection with the rest of the MemoryStream object when your code no longer references the MemoryStream .

What does MemoryStream flush do?

Flush meaning clears all buffers for a stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device. What does that mean in the context of the code above? Secondly, the flush method of the MemoryStream does nothing according to the api, so what's up with that? why do we call a method that does nothing?

How do I reuse MemoryStream?

You can re-use the MemoryStream by Setting the Position to 0 and the Length to 0. By setting the length to 0 you do not clear the existing buffer, it only resets the internal counters.

What is difference between FileStream and MemoryStream in C#?

Stream is a representation of bytes. Both these classes derive from the Stream class which is abstract by definition. As the name suggests, a FileStream reads and writes to a file whereas a MemoryStream reads and writes to the memory. So it relates to where the stream is stored.

Why do you need resetting memory stream? You always can create a new one. Or you can use:


Since a MemoryStream is essentially a byte array with an index (and some other supporting members) clearing the byte array and resetting the index can be considered resetting and clearing the MemoryStream. If the initial state of a MemoryStream is a zeroed array with a position of zero then an example of a MemoryStream reset may be:

public static void Clear(this MemoryStream source)
  byte[] buffer = source.GetBuffer();
  Array.Clear(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
  source.Position = 0;

It is incorrect to say that MemoryStream.SetLength alone resets or clears the MemoryStream since SetLength only clears the internal buffer array if the length exceeds the current buffer's length.

Reinitializing a MemoryStream is a valid approach but less efficient. One benefit of reinitializing the MemoryStream would be to guarantee that the stream was never closed. Once the MemoryStream is closed it can no longer be changed. If you can ensure that the MemoryStream instance isn't closed then clearing the buffer may be the way to go.

I used DotMemory to Profile @Rana_Ian solution, and I called GC to enforce full collection. I found that large Streams will stuck in LOH! And after adding one extra line

public static void Clear(MemoryStream ms)
    var buffer = ms.GetBuffer();
    Array.Clear(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
    ms.Position = 0;
    ms.Capacity = 0; // <<< this one ******

I clicked on F12 to see Capacity Implementation, And I found this (I simplified generated code a little bit - I'm using Resharper):

public virtual int Capacity
  { .... // some code }
    if ((long) value < this.Length) { // throw some ex }
    if (!this._isOpen) { // some another code }
    if (!this._expandable && value != this.Capacity) { //MemoryStreamNotExpandable }
    if (!this._expandable || value == this._capacity) return;
    if (value > 0)
      byte[] numArray = new byte[value];
      if (this._length > 0)
        Buffer.InternalBlockCopy((Array) this._buffer, 0, (Array) numArray, 0, this._length);
      this._buffer = numArray;
      this._buffer = (byte[]) null; /// <<<< that's it! I need this one
    this._capacity = value;

So It's clearing the Buffer, I'm not sure if this is correct or not!