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Requiring electron dialog from render process is undefined


I am using electron and am trying to open a file browser when a user clicks on button. From the render process I am trying to include the elctron.dialog package like this.

const dialog = require( 'electron' ).dialog;  console.log( dialog ); 

However the result from the console log is undefined

I am absolutely sure I am in the rendering process so I am not sure why this is not working. The documentation suggests that this is the correct way of doing things but it appears to not be working.

This is my package.json file

{   "name": "my-app",   "version": "0.1.0",   "main": "./main.js",   "scripts": {     "start": "electron ."   },   "dependencies": {     "electron": "^0.4.1"   } } 

This is my main.js file

    'use strict';      var app = require( 'app' );     var BrowserWindow = require( 'browser-window' );     var ipc = require( 'ipc' );      var mainWindow = null;      app.on(         'ready', function () {             mainWindow = new BrowserWindow(                 {                     frame : true,                     height: 700,                     width : 500                 }             );              mainWindow.loadUrl( 'file://' + __dirname + '/app/index.html' );              mainWindow.openDevTools();             mainWindow.on(                 'closed', function () {                     mainWindow = null;                 }             );          }     );      ipc.on(         'close-main-window', function () {             app.quit();         }     ); 

this is the rendered process file

    // Add your index.js code in this file     var ipc = require( 'ipc' );      const dialog = require( 'electron' ).dialog;      console.log( dialog ); 

This is the console

Is this incorrect?

like image 919
Subtubes Avatar asked Apr 15 '16 02:04


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1 Answers

On the Renderer process, you must use the Remote module.

const dialog = require('electron').remote.dialog  

More info:
Electron Dialog API
Electron Remote API

like image 73
Philip Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
