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requirejs module alias/remap

I'm currently integrating foreign code into our application. Part of the process, I must substitute one of their requirejs modules with ours.

Obviously I can't modify their code, otherwise I'd have to do the change at every update. What I can do is modify the main.js (data-main of requirejs).

Here is, roughly, what they have:

    packages: [

So they have this beerpong package, with some modules in there. Among these modules, there is the beer.js file. It can be required with a require('beerpong/beer').

Aside from this, I have my files, in a separate folder, say vodkapong/beersubstitute. What I would like is that, whenever someone require('beerpong/beer'), that requirejs actually serves him my vodkapong/beersubstitute instead.

tl;dr: How can I remap an existing module to use my module instead?

PS: Sadly, we're not actually writing a beerpong game... One day maybe!

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aspyct Avatar asked Sep 19 '13 10:09


2 Answers

You could use the map option. It can remap an AMD module for a specific module or for all modules with the "*" name. An example would be:

    map: {
        "*": {
            "beerpong/beer": "vodkapong/beersubstitute"
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Nikos Paraskevopoulos Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 21:10

Nikos Paraskevopoulos

You can do something like this -

    paths: {
        jquery_ui_scrollbar: 'libs/jquery/jquery.custom-scrollbar'
require(['dependency1', 'dependency2'], function (dep1, dep2) {
   // code goes here

And in your define call you can do this -

define(['jquery_ui_scrollbar'], function(scrollbar) {});
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halkujabra Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 22:10
