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Required arguments with a Lombok @Builder




If I add @Builder to a class. The builder method is created.


I have a requirement where a particular field is required. In this case, the name field is required but the surname is not. Ideally, I would like to declare it like so.


I can't work out how to do this. I have tried adding the @Builder to a constructor but it didn't work.

@Builder public Person(String name) {     this.name = name; } 
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jax Avatar asked Apr 27 '15 00:04


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1 Answers

You can do it easily with Lombok annotation configuration

import lombok.Builder; import lombok.ToString;  @Builder(builderMethodName = "hiddenBuilder") @ToString public class Person {      private String name;     private String surname;      public static PersonBuilder builder(String name) {         return hiddenBuilder().name(name);     } } 

And then use it like that

Person p = Person.builder("Name").surname("Surname").build(); System.out.println(p); 

Of course @ToString is optional here.

like image 179
Pawel Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10
