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Require ForceTouch iOS App




Is there a way to write an app's "Required device capabilities" such that the app runs only iPhone 6s and above (due to a requirement of force touch)?

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Jake Chasan Avatar asked Sep 27 '15 16:09

Jake Chasan

1 Answers

You normally use the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key, which can require certain features to be present. However at this time it doesn't seem like 3D Touch has been added.

A large warning will have to suffice for now, while waiting for apple to add 3D touch as a thing you can require. Otherwise there might be some features only the new iPhones models have, such as the arm chip, you could require. I haven't looked into this though.

On apples page for documentation you can see available keys for the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities, where 3D Touch doesn't seem to be present. open https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/iPhoneOSKeys.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009252-SW3

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Froziph Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09
