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Requesting Elasticsearch from Node times out


I am setting up a simple Node.js REST service to interface with Elasticsearch, using the official Javascript client. I'm running this code locally, but the cluster is located remotely. When I go trough the browser, with the _head plugin, I can connect ES and query with no problem. However, doing so via the Javascript client times out all requests. I set up the ElasticSearch object, but sending any request to it simply doesn't work. I don't think it's a network issue, because I can access ES trough the browser. This is how I request something, a very basic get:

var elasticsearch = require("elasticsearch"); var es = new elasticsearch.Client({     host: "https://my-address:9200/", // also tried without protocol part and trailing slashes     log: "error",     sniffOnStart: true });  es.get({     index: "things",     type: "someThing",     id: "42" }).then(doSomeStuff, handleStuffFailed); 

This fails with a simple error message Errror: Request timeout after 30000ms.

Am I missing something here? I've read trough the client docs, and this seems like the basic "hello world" for the client.

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Kroltan Avatar asked Mar 14 '14 13:03


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By default, NodeJS has a timeout value of 120 seconds. Sometimes you may need to increase request timeout in NodeJS to process long running requests.

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1 Answers

Try extending the requestTimeout parameter when instantiating the ES Client.

client = new elasticsearch.Client({         host          : 'http://localhost:9200',         requestTimeout: 60000     }); 

I had a long-running process which took just under 10 minutes. By making the requestTimeout value 60000 (10 mins) the process could complete without timing out.

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Lorien Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
