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request.cookies is undefined when using Supertest

I'm passing my authentication token via an HTTP-Only cookie in my NestJS API.

As such, when writing some E2E tests for my Auth endpoints, I'm having an issue with cookies not being where I expect them.

Here's my pared-down test code:

describe('auth/logout', () => {
  it('should log out a user', async (done) => {
    // ... code to create user account

    const loginResponse: Response = await request(app.getHttpServer())
                                              .send({ username: newUser.email, password });

    // get cookie manually from response.headers['set-cookie']
    const cookie = getCookieFromHeaders(loginResponse);

    // Log out the new user
    const logoutResponse: Response = await request(app.getHttpServer())
                                            .set('Cookie', [cookie]);


In my JWT Strategy, I'm using a custom cookie parser. The problem I'm having is that request.cookies is always undefined when it gets to the parser. However, the cookie will be present in request.headers.

I'm following the manual cookie example from this Medium article: https://medium.com/@juha.a.hytonen/testing-authenticated-requests-with-supertest-325ccf47c2bb, and there don't appear to be any other methods available on the request object to set cookies.

If I test the same functionality from Postman, everything works as expected. What am I doing wrong?

like image 769
Brandon Avatar asked Feb 01 '20 17:02


2 Answers

I know this is an old thread but...

I also had req.cookies undefined, but for a different reason.

I'm testing my router independently, not the top level app. So I bootstrap the app in beforeEach and add the route to test.

I was getting req.cookies undefined because express 4 requires the cookieParser middleware to be present to parse the cookies from the headers.


const express           = require('express');
const bodyParser        = require('body-parser');
const cookieParser      = require('cookie-parser');
const request           = require('supertest');

const {router}  = require('./index');

describe('router', () => {
    let app;    
    beforeAll(() => {        
        app  = express();
        app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
        app.use('/', router);

    beforeEach(() => jest.clearAllMocks());

    it('GET to /', async () => {
        const jwt = 'qwerty-1234567890';
        const resp = await request(app)
            .set('Cookie', `jwt=${jwt};`)
            .set('Content-Type', 'application/json')

Testing this way allows me to unit test a router in isolation of the app. The req.cookies turn up as expected.

like image 72
GetafixIT Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 10:11


Late but I hope I can help you. The problem is in the initialization of the app object. Probably in your main.ts file you have some middlewares configured as they are: cors and queryParse. You must also put them in your tests when you create the app.

const moduleFixture: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
    imports: [AppModule],

const app = moduleFixture.createNestApplication();

// Add cors
    credentials: true,
    origin: ['http://localhost:4200'],

// Add cookie parser

await app.init();
like image 34
Robe Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 10:11
