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`requestAnimationFrame` polyfill error in Jest tests

Got this error after upgrading to React when I ran my Jest unit tests:

React depends on requestAnimationFrame. Make sure that you load a polyfill in older browsers.

How do I fix it?

I'm using Jest 18.1.0.

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Yangshun Tay Avatar asked Apr 25 '17 07:04

Yangshun Tay

6 Answers

Found a workaround!


  1. Create the file __mocks__/react.js
  2. Add the following into __mocks__/react.js

const react = require('react');
// Resolution for requestAnimationFrame not supported in jest error :
// https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/9102#issuecomment-283873039
global.window = global;
window.addEventListener = () => {};
window.requestAnimationFrame = () => {
  throw new Error('requestAnimationFrame is not supported in Node');

module.exports = react;
  1. Run jest !

As marked on comments on the code

This is the solution from https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/9102#issuecomment-283873039

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Atul Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 16:10


this worked for me:

  1. Install raf

npm install --saveDev raf or yarn add -D raf

  1. Add the polyfill to your setupFiles in your jest config in package.json like this:

'setupFiles': ['raf/polyfill']

Note: if you have other setup files in this array, you may want to put raf/polyfill first.

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Soska Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 15:10


If you just need to polyfill it for tests, then you don't actually need the throttling.

Create a new file with this code:

global.requestAnimationFrame = function (cb) {
    return setTimeout(cb, 0);

Add that file to the jest/setupFiles array in your package.json.

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sbaechler Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 16:10


If you are using create-react-app, some of these solutions will not work well (or at all, in the case of setupFiles). What does work well is creating a file at src/setupTests.js and adding your mock in there:

global.requestAnimationFrame = (cb) => { cb(); };

You can also add other global mocks in there (e.g. localStorage and navigator.serviceWorker).

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smfoote Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 16:10


Another working solution!

The idea is to load a simple shim before each spec, by using the setupFiles property in the jest config.

Create a file shim.js file (preferably in your root dir) and have this code in it:

global.requestAnimationFrame = (callback) => {
    setTimeout(callback, 0);

Next, you may be having redundant code that keep reappearing in all/most of your files - and you want to put them in a single file and have them run before each spec also, to do that:

Create a setup.js file in the root dir too. A good piece of redundant code to D.R.Y is the react enzyme adapter configuration code. Paste it here

import Enzyme from 'enzyme';
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';

Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });

Now create the jest.config.js file, to specify the paths of the two files

    module.exports = {
        "setupFiles": ["<rootDir>shim.js", "<rootDir>setup.js"]

N.B: The jest config file take json, so make sure json's in. Also, if your shim.js and setup.js files are not in the same dir as your jest.config.js, adjust the path accordingly.

Hope this helps!

Credit: https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/4545

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Kaka Ruto Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 15:10

Kaka Ruto

Here's a realistic way to mock requestAnimationFrame:

let time;
const maxTimeElapsed = 2000;

beforeEach(() => {
  time = 0;
  jest.spyOn(window, 'requestAnimationFrame').mockImplementation(cb => {
    time += 100;
    if (time < maxTimeElapsed) {
      return cb(time) as any;

in your test, it repeatedly calls the RAF callback until it reaches the max elapsed time that you set. It happens instantly, so you don't need to stall it.

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inorganik Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 15:10
